The twins 4th birthday was this weekend and it was a total blast. It was just so so much fun. Thank you everyone who came and celebrated with us! We just have the best friends and family.
Sorry for the large amounts of pics...I just got a little excited.
Sorry for the large amounts of pics...I just got a little excited.

We set it up in the front yard and just let the kids run around and play in the street since our street is safe to ride on.

I made these streamers (like bike streamers. some may say tassels but I think streamers is a little more appropriate :) out of scrap fabric and hung them very unevenly...

and bike flags lined the walk way.

Ben had to pump up his tires before the party.

For the party favors I ordered baskets from this amazing wholesale place and put velcro and straps on the back so they could attach them to their bikes. My mom got some horns for the kids to put on their bikes and we made some water bottles that they could put in the baskets (to rehydrate after all their long rides). We also had some spoke decorations that they could put on their bikes.

Julie emailed me some bike washes that she had seen on pinterest and I just loved that idea so much! (that girl is so creative) I put jeff on it and he made a fantastic bike wash that the kids just loved.

I was beyond excited to have kinley at my house! she has the sweetest demeanor and just so kind and beautiful. love you kinley gay.

and then they had to get in in their clothes?

I had seen this cake on pinterest and thought it looked decently easy (I was so wrong. I was really not very good at the detail parts AT ALL) but it was super fun. I made it into a tandem bike and they loved it even though it looked so ghetto. They were so sweet about it and it just makes me want to make ghetto cakes for them every year :)

(one twin is more comfortable being sung too and blowing out the candles than the other)

but she was excited about her piece.
Julie made these amazing wheel cookies that were not only cute but delish.

Clay, our neighbor, brought over his shwinn twin bike and it was a HUGE hit!

Everyone took a turn and had a blast riding it around the neighborhood!

My friends and family are so beautiful. I really have monopolized the beautiful friend corner of the world.
They are all so sweet too. My brothers and sister in law rented bikes to drive with!! (I mean, it was BYOB) And so many other friends, family and neighbors brought their bikes and their kids. It was just SO much fun. Thank y'all so much for coming and celebrating with bikes and all.

Ty's cuteness really just kills me.

and almost all my babies were in one place. I think it was heaven.

Thank you so much for coming ryker. how did you get so big!

oh isla grace. i could not love that face more.
we love our matching shoes!

i love you ladies. thank you so much for all y'all do. and for your beyond gorgeous girls.

Thanks again everyone for all your help, support, for coming out and playing, driving for forever and just being our friends (or your family or neighbors and are stuck with us- sorry for you guys!) to our bike party built for two! We love y'all SO much!
We missed ella and al and kenna and bob SO MUCH! So sad for those tonsils and cant wait to see them soon. Just hate missing each others parties this year. Next year, though. We are on it.
OH my goodness. I love everything about this adorable party!! We are having to rework our "car wash" and I LOVE the idea of using pool noodles instead of streamers! Definitely making that happen over here :)
Wow! This party is AMAZING! I love it all! And can I say that your house is adorable as well? Too cute!
again... as ALWAYS... I am in love with this party & it is so fabulous. The bike wash was fantastic & I hope you share how you made it :) The signs are so cute. I just love everything about this. I feel ya' on the cake~ I decided the day before AK's party to make all 4 of her cakes. homemade. The baking part was ok. The decorating part... not so much. but I wouldn't trade it for anything : ) Happiest Birthday to your little sweet hearts!
I would totally do this for my next birthday and I'm almost 25 lol Such a great/fun idea!
You are just out of this world!! I love everything about this, but maybe most of all that it was in the front yard. I love me a good front yard party! I WISH I would have thought of a bike was for our splash party. Your kiddos are so lucky that you make their birthdays so cool and special!
Wow! What a fun party!! Happy birthday to your kiddos.
Gosh, darling party!!! Too fun!
Love it, the bike wash, so fun!! Those tandem bikes look awesome. Love those 4 year olds :)
happy birthday ben and sass!!! we loved celebrating with you. everything was just perfect and so so cute!! love you barstads so much!!
LOVE IT!!! Awesome Party lady!!!!!
oh my goodness. cutest party idea ever!!! might have to copy you when reese turns three or four! so fun!!!!
KRISTEN BARSTAD! you are so cute and so creative. this party makes me smile SO much. hope the twins had a very happy birthday. your creativity knows no bounds and i think that "ghetto" bike cake is the bomb dot com! :) really DO have beautiful friends. Will you please tell us how you made the bike wash?
can you share the details for the bike wash? please and thank you :)
Hey there I found your blog through pinterest and love it!! I am getting ready to do a bicycle bday for my little guy who will be turning 6 anyways love all your ideas and was just wondering about your shirts did you do them or did you have them done? Thanks in advance and hope you don't mind me using some of your ideas:)
What a fun bike wash idea! I have included it in my What Can You Make with a Pool Noodle
Round Up. If for any reason you would like me to exlude your project please let me know and I will take it out immediately.
Thanks for sharing this great project!
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My goodness. I'm feeling lucky to have a look at this awesome blog post. These images are so nice, and those kids are so adorable. I can't ignore those tandems. It's true joining all family together is truly a pleasure to have great fun. Thanks for some great photos.
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