
kinley gay

we just wanted to tell her that we love her soooo much!!! happy half birthday!!

ella's new fall fashion line

If Ella could dress herself this is what she would be wearing today...
As I was putting away Ella's clothes this morning, she would pick something out and then bring it to me to put on her. She started with a pocket-t gray long sleeve, then added a very cute bubble skirt, layered it with a summer dress, and topped it off with a pj shirt. Then to accessorize she added some purple polka dot leg warmers on her arms, a pink crochet hat and two different sandals. When her outfit was complete she spun in circles saying "oooh and aah." She knew she looked good!

chocolate eclair cake

this post is for jeff's old roomate, paul, who prob doesn't even read our blog, but he would LOVE this cake. he loves eclairs and this is super easy and sooooo good. so, paul, if you're reading, and really anyone else who likes a good dessert, this one is for you. go here for the recipe.


play time

Here are some pics of kids playing together today.
sweet girls
yes, I am aware of sawyer's finger in the outlet.
Sawyer is obviously not aware of me saying "no mam" and Ella is very upset about it.
Ella thought maybe it would be fun to climb in the sink...
she was wrong.
Sawyer trying to hitch a ride from Ben
so sad this one is blurry
I think Ella might have her first crush!

pumpkin painting party

we got pretty excited about the fact that there are pumpkins at the grocery store today so we decided to get some paint, too. we pulled out all the fun stuff to decorate with and went to work...i think most of the paint landed on the kids, rather than on the pumpkins...


here is the finished project (of the pumpkins)


and of the sidewalk,



and the finished project of the girls...


and of course they needed some sugar to cue creativity.




working on her new tattoos


it was so much fun!!! so glad its fall!!


denim dress and a blue shirt


i made munch a denim dress last night...too big and the sleeves are uneven, but i dont think she minds too much. i lined it in gray jersey so it will last the cold seasons. not the best, but at least its getting better!

it looks like its been sewed together in the center but its really just creased from being folded (surprise, surprise, i did not iron it!! i know, its so shocking coming from me, considering i dont think i have ever ironed...)

this is the only one i got of the back before she jumped right down and would not let me take her pic again...so here is the blurry back of the dress


i made a blue shirt that i first intended to be for ben, but, as you can very much see, it is a tunic. therefore it is now for sassy. so you can just see ben modeling it, but def not wearing it out anywhere. shoulda made it pink....

matching monday

just climbing up the slide, minding my own business...

wait, is there someone behind me?

it's ella!!!



girls just wanna have fun

a little girl time in the backyard without ben...


bow stealing.

maybe enough sharing for today...


my surprise roy.g.biv birthday party!!!

Because of my wonderful friends, I will never forget my 28th birthday. They threw me a surprise party and I have never been so shocked and out of the loop in my life! I had absolutely no idea and was so surprised!
It all started with a scavenger hunt all around lubbock. Each clue came with a colored balloon that in the end made up each color of the rainbow...ROY.G.BIV (later in the post you will understand why they choose this theme for me.) My last clue came with a tie dyed shirt with all the roy.g.biv colors. Every detail was planned perfectly! Best birthday party EVER!
Picnik collage
Walking into my surprise roygbiv party at the skate rink!
Picnik collage
I am not one to cry but I lost it when I walked in and saw all my friends and all that they had done for me. (its my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to...)
This was Ella's surprised face pretty much the whole night. She cracked me up! She couldn't figure out what in the world was going on.
Picnik collage
This is what really got me the most because it was so thought out for just me. My dream in life is to have my own candy store. I am going to call it roy.g.biv (thats copyrighted ya'll) and it would be a candy store by colors. So if you dont want to eat around the yellow and greens in a bag of sour patch kids then my store would be the place to come! They made a little mini display of my dream roy.g.biv candy store! They had 7 candy jars filled with candies from each color of the rainbow!
Picnik collage
Time to skate!
Here are all my sneaky friends who made this most AMAZING night ever happen! Thank you all for making me feel so special and making my 28th unforgettable! I love you.
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