well, i guess it had to happen sometime. i just didnt know that it would happen during our first trip to the fabulous squirt park, but, you never can guess these things...
aves has her first broken bone.
yup, she broke her wrist.
she fell off of this rock climbing thing at the park and landed on her wrists while trying to catch herself. it was so sad. the first thing she said, in the middle of tears, was "i thought you would catch me, mommy". it broke my heart. i was right there, i just wasnt fast enough to brake her fall.
anyway, we went to the ER, where everyone is soooo nice and the babies were great. they gave them new toys to play with and let us go everywhere together. of course we came right from the squirt park so we were in swimsuits and looked like major hillbillies. they were nice anyway, which really says a lot about them.
they even gave the kids their own carriage ride out.
she has a splint for now but i have to get an appointment with an orthopedic dr for a cast. we will let you know what she gets. i hope its tie dye or red white and blue for the 4th! didnt you hear that casts are all the rage this summer??