SO, no one is going to accuse me of being an interior designer. I know so little about what looks good. Sometimes I will feel like I have an idea, and then most days I realize I know nothing. But I do love a good deal. And I have to share it when I see it, and these Ikea shelves are my new favorite things.

They are cheap, easy to set up, have adjustable shelving and hold so much more than my old hutch (that was beautiful, but I was just ready for more space).

And I am no Nate Berkus, but I love that he says that everything in your house needs to have some type of meaning or be something that you really value or think is beautiful. I dont know at all where I heard that. I could have completely made that up. I think I heard him say that when he was on Oprah? Man, Oprah. That feels like so long ago for some reason. My kids probably will never know she was a talk show host. Why would that matter to me? I dont know.
Anyway, for the sake of remembering what was on my bookshelf when I am 80 and want to remember because I have no idea, here is what is meaningful to me.
That giant vase Jeff and I registered for because he liked it and then someone actually bought it for us.
The books are just a few of my favorites. Nothing exciting, and only a small amount of them. I also am clearly not a scholar.
The spam lamp is from a thrift store in Tyler as a symbol of our love for camping. The yarn Allie and Felipe brought me in Tyler that they got when they went to Chile. I can never use it to knit with because I love it so much just as it is. The radio doesn't work, but it was from the twins bday party. And the diploma is Jeff's.

The framed postcard was sent to our house on May 25, 1920 and our neighbor brought it over. How cool is that?!
The basket Jeff used to keep change in in college at Rose Circle. The metal basket is from that house too. The note in the bottle is from when we were dating. I wish I knew what it said, but it has faded so much you cant read it. I should have taken a picture of it. Bummer.
The jar is one that Jeff made as a little place for my polaroids when we lived in Lubbock.

The duck was Jeff's that he stuffed.
The pumpkin up there that is hard to see in this pic was from Linds when I was her bridesmaid.
(The chickens are both from IKEA, as well.)
The vase and the pictures Jan picked out for me in Lubbock at a thrift store; The candle and bird are from Jennifer for my birthday and when I was a hostess for her shower for Isla; The white box is one that Aly made; The dominoes are a family heirloom to be :)
The bingo is from my mom for Sass.
The woven picture will be framed, but it is from Lindsey too, for my birthday.
The rainbow I just bought, but how stinkin cute is that?! My new favorite baby toy.

The bottom row is all stuff shea can pull out and play with. The doll bed was Avery's and it has her white blanket in it, and a quilt made just for Shea's babies by my aunt.
The baskets hold books, toys, magnets and puzzles. Most of them came from when Avery and the twins were babies, too. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

So, there you have it.
Nothing new or exciting, but special to me. And I really just am so obsessed with these shelves. I think I am going to go buy 2 more sets for the craft room.
Thank you Nate Berkus for helping me declutter. Now if only I can take this skill to the rest of my house...