We can not ever tell you guys how much it means to us when y'all buy our shirts. It has been the most humbling and exciting thing to send shirts out and then see y'all in them or on instagram. It is literally one of the very best feelings. From the bottom or our hearts we thank y'all for buying from us!
We have had so much fun lately. We made a "This Land is Our Land" tee and tank and we were able to put them into a store downtown McKinney called The Little Red Hen.

Yes, it was through a connection and we knew someone who knows them really well, but we will count it as our first wholesale experience. It was so much fun and I geeked out like a crazy person and went inside and hugged everyone. They thought I was insane but it was just ridiculous seeing them outside like that. And we know I am not one who often can hold back my excitement. Especially when I am nervous and dont know you...

How fun is this? An actual rack!
So, thank you Little Red Hen for making dreams come true over here!

We did some probono printing for Shiloh Place McKinney that I have worked with for about a year or so. We did four colors (!!!) which I didnt know how it would go, but it really was great! We have learned so much in all of this. We did about four colors with Linds for Haley's bday and they went ok but the water based was hard. So we switched to plastisol for this one and it was so easy! I didnt know we could mix colors with plastisol but once we figured that out and how to cure them and stuff, it was so great.

Jeff is our secret weapon. He knows everything there is to know about printing and loves to print as much as we do. I am so thankful for him and I could not do any of this without him. We know I dont read instructions or watch instructional videos (and he does. all of them) and I would have to learn everything from experience. And since I rarely try new ways to do things, that would probably happen the hard way. He pushes me to be better and try new things. He also pushes me to do it right the first time, no matter the time it takes to prep or however insignificant it seems.

We did Michael and Caroline's bach party shirts too and that was so much fun.
We worked forever on bachelor party and bachelorette party beer labels that we both forgot to take with us to the actual parties... but they were fun to make and are now a download in our shop if you need one for a bachelorette party or bachelor party or even a wedding!

We did have koozies tho...

Becca and her kids came over and printed their own designs and designed a BEST CAMP EVER shirt that was a huge hit.

We made some pins to match too for Becca to send them in their care package. How stinkin cute is Mary?! Gorgeous.

We did a whole sale order in Big Spring (Woo hoo West TX forever!) with baby lake days tanks and a few more tees.

We have a few more designs in the shop too that have been fun when people buy them. I mean, I assume everyone has seen
Dont Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead, but then you never know. SO when someone buys it and instagrams it and includes #thedishesaredonedude your heart swells like only a 90's movie line can make it grow.
We have had a lot of custom orders too. Allison is working on right now for Anna's salon, we did a few softball jerseys, some more bach tanks, vacation shirts and more. I really can never say enough how thankful we are to sell shirts and have you guys buy them.