A dream come true for any little kid. (or grown adult like myself)
Bob's dad designed and built a playhouse for each cousin. How crazy and awesome is that?! Way before Christmas, one of the cousins asked Pappy if he could make her a playhouse for Christmas. He said "YES!" without even thinking twice about it. So operation playhouse began. My girls had no clue that any of it was going on and I never said a word to them. On Christmas day, Pappy took all the cousins out back and showed them the progress of the playhouses and told them they would soon be in their backyards. My girls were overwhelmed with joy!
The only downside to our playhouse is that we are about 3 hours away, while the other cousins were all in the same town. Pappy didn't let that get in the way though. He drove down and started putting the girls dream house together. Adam came over and helped get the big pieces in place. It was a little bit more difficult than expected but they kept going late into the night. Pappy had to drive back home so he could make it to church the next morning but he came back a few weeks later to continue the work.
Bob worked on it any break he had from work.

They realized that the door was put on backwards so they didn't finis putting the door knob on or anything until Billy could come back and help flip it around. We used a rake for a few months to hold the door shut.
The playhouse saw it's first snow,

had it's first of many lunches,

and even got it's first coat of paint from McKenna.

I tackled the outside paint one week. The sides and back still need a second and maybe third coat...

Billy came over one day and they got the door flipped around the right way and installed some windows. Adding some fun curtains is still on my to-do list.

Bob the Builder!

The floor was a little whelped and splittery from rain so I painted a deck paint on it to seal it all together. I love how it turned out. You can walk on it barefoot and everything. I decide to paint my own rug on and I am love with it! I drew it out with chalk first and then just painted it on with acrylic paints.
Pappy got a life size fireplace printed off on this thick plastic and I hung it on the wall. Every house needs a family portrait hung above the mantel. I had this picture blown up at Staples and then I just covered it with packing tape so it would hold up outside. (it doesn't look bubbly like in this pic)

I still have a lot more work to do but it is coming along. The ceiling might be one of those things that never gets done. Part of it was originally blue and I should have just left it. I thought it would look cool with a gray stain so I started that then I decided to just paint it all white and then soon realized I didn't have the neck power to do it. Also should have done the ceiling first...

We love it so much and can't wait for the weather to cool down so we can play it in all day!
You're the best Pappy!