Since Ella was basically newborn she has had a love for Dora the Explorer. I think it all started with Avery. If Aves was ever watching tv it was most likely Dora. I guess Ella always hearing it on the tv is what made her a fan from day one. Don't get me wrong, I love Dora and Boots but I have been ready for something new that Ella enjoys watching. I started to tivo different shows like Barney, Oliva, Backyardigns, Care Bears, and Sesame Street. worked! She loves Sesame Street! Maybe even more than Dora! She gets so excited when it comes on and she trys to be like cookies monster when he eats his cookies, it is very cute to see.
Anyways all this to say, we went to Toys R Us to get Ella a forward facing car seat and she spotted the "Elmo Live." I pulled it off the shelf to show her that he talks (never intending to buy the over priced Elmo) and her reaction was priceless! She couldn't stop laughing at him and it just melted my heart! I had to get it for her. It was a moment of weakness and Ella isn't even to the stage where she can talk and beg me for a new toy yet, ha! Here are some pics of Ella and her new friend Elmo.