

We had some fun with finger paint today.
I used my silhouette and cut out the girls names onto some vinyl and then put it on a canvas. Ella picked out some fun images to add to the canvas as well.
Then Ella and McKenna had fun covering their canvas with finger paint.
I love Ella's detail to making sure the cherries were the right colors:)
Once the paint dried, we peeled off the vinyl and bedazzled them.
I had them put everything where they wanted it then I glued them down with the hot glue gun.
A little finishing touch of glitter and ta-dah!
Just beautiful girls. Beautiful!


Is it Friday Already???

That is so crazy.
Summer just makes the days seem long and the weeks seems short.  
I have so many plans and want to do so many things and then all of a sudden, its july.
Here is a little bit of lately thats been going on over here.
There's been some porch craftin' in the morning before it gets too hot.
Some cuddling.
Some pj partyin'
Some sno conin'
Roly polyin'
Some watchin' newsies (the play) on youtube.  This has become a nightly (and daily) ritual.  We cant stop watching it.  I so wish there was a that it could be a movie from the play. sigh.
Some castin'.
And the very next day, like the mom of the year that I am, I took her to the lake with the huge cast cover that sealed water out and we had a blast.  And, even though I thought that it did work, once we got home we noticed the lake infested parasite water was everywhere.
So jeff cut it off.
and now we have jerry rigged a removable cast.
We are so white trash.
Hopefully it will work and she will be able to walk on it and take it off to swim.  Its actually very innovative, really.
Who else has a removable cast that their dad cut off himself in their home late at night????
no one, I bet.
(probably in their best interest)
And today is our best friend Celeste's 30th birthday!! She is out of the country traveling right now  (you can go read about her fantastic journey) and we so wish we could be there to celebrate with her!
Happy birthday Cel! We love you so much!!


Monday Musings

*Those are squash!! Aren't they the coolest squash you have ever seen?!?  They are called Texas Patty Pan squash.  I have no idea what they taste like, but they are so cute, I mean, do they even need to be good?
*I recently read an article about how picking at your face is not just a habit, but that it more of a disorder.  
Do you hear that mom- I clearly have a disorder (called dermatillomania).  
People who have this make up things in their heads that they think are zits or blackheads or whatever and then pick at them even though they really aren't there.
I really don't know if this is real or if I really do need to just have self control when I want to pick at my face, but it feels so nice being described as something that is not real.  That really all the pores and blackheads are in my head.
I need to find a more productive way to deal with stress instead of making scars.  
Like eating candy....
*How sad are the fires in Colorado??? My sister and brother in law live up there and we are praying for their family and friends.  I just cant imagine how scary that must be.
*A switch in the total opposite direction- This weekend we watched Jim Gaffigan's "Mr. Universe" and it was hilarious! I really could not stop laughing.  And its on netflix! I just love netflix. 
*Speaking of direction, we knew it was coming but I def love New Direction.  You don't have to say anything.  Anything you want to say to me, I have already said to myself.  But they are so catchy!!! I love it.
*This book on introverts look so interesting.  Jeff took the meyer briggs personality test at his conference a few weeks ago and then I took it on his same test paper and then made my brother do it on the same test paper after us.  We are kind of obsessed.  It is just so fun to see how everyone thinks and is programmed.
*Tie Dye denim??!! Two of my favorites combined.  I am so going to have to do this.
You're welcome for that crazy look inside my very disorganized brain.
Hope y'all have a great start to the week.


Going on Safari

Week before last, (I am trying to catch up and blog it all in some sort of order so we will see how confusing this gets...) we loaded everyone up in one car and went to this mini safari park place where you can feed the animals out of your car.  
in the car
It was a blast.  
Everyone was pretty excited.
ben waving
avery and katelyn
avery smiling
There were deer and donkeys,
katelyn out the window
bison and deer2
lily and turkeys
one one hump camel that didn't even bother getting up to say hello.
and I was just terrified of the emus.
deer and emu
I am sure they are not scary, but every time we would get close to them I would just get the heby jebies and have to get out of there.
The kids got used to my fears and started yelling "run, mommy, run!" when we saw some.  holy irrational fears, batman.
julie and lily2
everyone looking out the window
I highly recommend it if you guys live in east texas.  The kids thought it was a blast and (when I didnt see emus on the horizon) I loved it too.
It was our last day to spend with the Yorks (in tyler) before their move to allison's neck of the woods and it was a really great last fun activity.


A broken ankle and blinged out crutches

There have been the most fun things going on and I cant wait to look at every pic and share the past couple of weeks but today we had a minor tragedy that I needed to document before I forget what day it was or that it even happened.  Avery, our accident prone first born broke her ankle last night.  bummer.  
She loves a summer break.  
(hahahahhahha!  ahhh.  I'm here all week folks)
So, taking a cue from allison's amazing ability to make anything fun, we redid those crutches and dyed the ace bandage.  
We went with what any other small town southern mom would pick- hot pink and rhinestones.
We wrapped them in hot pink duct tape and then glued and stuck whatever sparkly stickers we could find on top.
I think she liked 'em.
She really has been such a trooper.
I am so proud of her and how brave and kind she is.  I know that this has got to bum her out and hurt all at the same time, but she really didnt show it until late tonight after I put her to bed.
She started crying because it hurt and just couldn't stop.  She would try to stop- and I told her it was alright if she wanted to keep crying, but she said no- and then she would start again.
It was just heartbreaking watching her summer plans and opportunities change in the blink of an eye.
I am so thankful I was there to watch her handle it with such grace and so many smiles until the late hours of the night when no one was around, and finally let all her grief out.
Thanks for being so strong aves.  I love you so much.
And thank you sassy for all your help with your magical glue gun and sweet cheeks smile.  youre a good sister girlfriend.
(no pics of the ace bandage, but you can imagine it knowing that it was dyed "fusia" and is the brightest color they make this side of texas.)


Happy Father's Day trophies

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's day! 
Ella and McKenna made some pretty cool trophies for their Dad, Poppa and Pappy. 14 karat gold and everything. 
I saw the idea here and thought it was so cute and a fun project for the girls.
Gold spray paint would have been SO much faster on this part but I already had gold paint and Ella loves using a brush.
Bob had to work late today so we went to celebrate today with my wonderful Dad! 
We celebrated with Bob tonight. Cool HAND-made shirt and all.
Happy Father's day Bob, Dad and Billy! Ya'll are the best! Love you!
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