Week before last, (I am trying to catch up and blog it all in some sort of order so we will see how confusing this gets...) we loaded everyone up in one car and went to this mini safari park place where you can feed the animals out of your car.
It was a blast.

Everyone was pretty excited.

There were deer and donkeys,





one one hump camel that didn't even bother getting up to say hello.

and I was just terrified of the emus.

I am sure they are not scary, but every time we would get close to them I would just get the heby jebies and have to get out of there.
The kids got used to my fears and started yelling "run, mommy, run!" when we saw some. holy irrational fears, batman.

I highly recommend it if you guys live in east texas. The kids thought it was a blast and (when I didnt see emus on the horizon) I loved it too.
It was our last day to spend with the Yorks (in tyler) before their move to allison's neck of the woods and it was a really great last fun activity.
All of your pictures are amazing, which leads to my questions. Did one of you get on the roof of the car to get the adorable picture from above?
hahaha! yes! I have a moon roof though, so it wasn't really on top of the car. anything for a cute pic, right??!
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