
Late Memorial Day

Just a few pics from the holiday weekend that was lots of days ago and I am so behind.
You're welcome.
Like always we did some swimming,
sassy in goggles
swimming sassy smiling
papa and ben
ben fishing insta
more worms
I got worms. Thats what Im gonna call it.
(it was more exhausting for some than others)
avery laying her head down
hand on her hip
girls fishing insta
fishing with dad
ben holding the fish
sea dooing and boating,
avery in life jacket
sassy life jacket insta
nana helping ben
on a boat insta
smiling sass2
papa driving
nana and aves on a boat
avery in life jacket insta
avery eating ice cream sandwich
sassys wind machine insta
avery making music
collecting shells with nana
shelling with nana and sass
shelling with aves and sass
avery on the sea doo
and a little bug catching.
daddy long leg
It was such a fun weekend.
family photo
My in laws are such incredible people and I am just so blessed to have them in my life.
smiling sass3
Thank you guys so much for having us out and letting us stay and play at your house!
We also know want to thank the troops that have served and those who continue to serve our amazing country.  We are so indebted to you for your sacrifice (and your family's sacrifice) for us.
Thank you for the peace.
smiling girls

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