6 years old. So so crazy.
All Ella wanted for her birthday was this rainbow chair that her cousin Adalyn has. It is huge and bright. We really didn't have room for it so I immediately said no. She then moved some stuff around in her room to show me how it could fit. I got online to see what the measurements were and it happened to be on clearance. It was meant to be I guess. Friday morning, I had it siting at the kitchen table for her birthday breakfast. She was so excited about it!
Ella requested Gran's banana bread for her birthday breakfast. A family favorite.
After breakfast I took the girls to the nail salon. One of Ella's favorite things. McKenna usually passes on the pedicure but she ended up loving it this time. Who wouldn't with your own movie, snacks and drink?!
They both went with a hot pink and zebra stripe.
Once Bob got home and my parents got to town, we took Ella to get her ears pieced! I still can't get over it. Ever since Ella could talk she has been asking to get her ears pieced. Bob and I always told her when she was 6. She has never forgotten. She has talked about this day for so many years now and was so excited about it. So we headed to Claire's in the mall and did it!

I can't believe how brave she was. All she said was ouch and it was so laid back and whatever when she said it. She got a little red in the face but never a single tear.

Such a big brave 6 year old!
Every night before I go to bed I always go in the girls room and kiss them good night one more time. I then crawl into McKenna's bed and lay next to her for a few minutes. I can no longer crawl into Ella's bed. She is too big and it makes me so sad. It makes me cherish those moments when I'm squeezed in a twin size bed with McKenna. I know in the blink of an eye she too will be too big and turning 6. Ugh. I might have to move them into their own king size beds or something.
Ella is very much like me. Scares me a little at times but I love when I can understand her thought process and see the way she is looking and thinking at things. She is very creative but very quiet about it. I can see the wheels turning in her head but she doesn't always have the confidence to express them. She wants to be different and stand out but not in a way that would draw attention to her. She gets very shy and pushes back if a fuss is made over something she has done but in the same moment would be sad if nobody noticed. She is a people watcher. She wants to see how everyone else does something before she jumps in. She likes to have all her options laid out in front of her before she chooses something. She is a perfectionist. And a fashionista. Which makes it very difficult and frustrating at times to take her shopping or even get ready some mornings. In the end though, her creative finished product is always worth it and inspiring. She loves her little sister with the most pure and selfless heart. She is always looking out for her and will always be her number one fan. I pray that Ella grows leaps and bounds in her confidence this next year and can step up as a leader and be the first to jump in. I pray that her light for God is the first thing people see and the number one thing Ella focuses on. She is growing into a mind of her own and I can't wait to see where it will take her. I love you Ella Reese. Happiest of Birthdays!