

(Way behind on blogging again so I am going to start June off with a few May memories.)

Bob and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary on May 1st. I remember our wedding day like it was yesterday, so crazy that it was actually TEN years ago. Man, I feel old. 
May 1, 2004 will always be one of my all time favorite days and I couldn't be more blessed to be married to this man.

The theme gift for 10 years is tin or aluminum. You know how much a love a theme so I jumped all over it. It was perfect too because the cost was very affordable. The girls helped me with the gift and had so much fun. I traced their hands (get it? 10 fingers for 10 years) and then went over everything with a hot glue gun. Once it dried, I laid a piece of foil on top and pressed it all in. The glue parts stood out and made a pretty cool foil art piece.
I mean, who wouldn't want this for their 10 year anniversary gift?! Cheap and cheesy at it's best.

I had too much fun packing Bob's lunch that day. I wrapped every single thing in foil and was cracking up about it. I couldn't wait for him to open his lunch box at work.

We got a babysitter and actually went on a date. We drove to Austin and had a relaxing dinner with no kids asking for something every 5 seconds. It was so nice and I loved being with just Bob.
Love you so much babe and can't wait to celebrate forever and eva with you.

1 comment:

The Rodriguez Crew said...

Oh I love the lunch!! The hashtags!! Haha!! You look so pretty in the date night picture!! We celebrate 10 years this October!! Yay!!

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