This year has truly been an answer to prayer.
I was a mess over whether or not to send ben and sawyer to kindergarten. Their birthdays are so late and they were two months premature at birth. They have also developed different skills at different times and I just didnt know if they were ready. And I knew that I had to keep them both in the same grade, no matter what. So if one needed to be held back, the other would have to stay back too. Before we actually moved here, I had them fully signed up to go to a kindergarten at a church and then repeat it next year at the public school with avery, just to be safe.
I had an idea of where Avery would go to school and what kind of public school it would be, but I didnt know much about that specific elementary. When we got here, we realized it was a dual language program that started in kindergarten, which is really cool, but they full on speak english one day and spanish the next. No english on spanish days. And since avery hasn't learned spanish, it would be hard for her to be totally immersed into it. I thought I would go ahead and let her figure it out, but once I went up to the school, they told me that she may have to repeat a grade and that it was a very difficult transition. I was sad to miss out on such a cool opportunity, but we went ahead and transferred to a school in our district that is actually as close as the other school. It is the smallest school in the district, so there were only 14 kids in the kindergarten classes. Avery had 16. It is a title one school so they get free breakfast, most of the kids are from a lower income home, and we are by far the minority. I could go on and on about that- that is a whole post in itself, but it is one reason I wanted to live where we live. So that this type of school would be our public school and our community. I went ahead and dropped them out of the church kindergarten and signed them up with Avery.
Once I got them enrolled, they were, naturally, put in different classes. As soon as I got their separate class assignments, I went and talked to the principal about them being in the same class. She completely stopped what she was doing and came to talk to me about it. She said they dont usually do it, but if I really wanted to, she trusted me and wanted to do what I thought was best. I was so blown away. It was just days before school started and they had to rearrange classes and trust that I wasn't a crazy controlling mom (to be determined) who was wrong putting my twins together, but forced it on them anyway. Then, we had meet the teacher night. That was just the sweetest. Both of their teachers seemed great and we left there excited.
One thing after another throughout the year proved this school to be the best fit for my kids. To say that this year has been better than I expected would not even do it justice. It has truly been an answer to so many prayers. The teachers have been phenomenal (and their teacher is actually requesting ben and sass be in the same class again next year bc they did so well together), the kids in their classes have been amazing, and they all have done well. There have been ups and downs, but it is truly one of my favorite places to be, and definitely theres. We will miss their teachers more than I can say. They went above and beyond what they needed to do-as did every teacher at the school that I have met- and loved on my kids more than I could have ever hoped. I was really off my game this year adjusting to shea (and still am), and those teachers picked up and gave attention and praise and taught them when I physically couldn't. They filled in the gaps where I just wasn't. I can truly never repay them. I even love their families. The twins teacher's mom told me that she has never seen her daughter bond with kids like she has ben and sawyer. (And she has a kindergarten son and we do playdates with her. and I have forced her into my life to be best friends with me, whether she wants to or not.) Ben and Avery got student of the mont the very first month and sawyer was not far behind. It was truly the best experience and we cant wait for next year. God really heard my prayers and anxiety and He was there.
and of course, the first (and second) days of school.

More hair all around. That 70s hair gets me every. single. time.

Can not wait for summer of 2014.
Lets do this.
Love this, Kristen! I am simultaneously so thrilled and so sad for Molly to start school in the fall. So thankful that your kiddos had teachers that loved them well, and that everyone had a great first year!
seriously what happened to your babies!!! i can't believe how much they have changed in not even a full year. love these barstad babies so so much!!
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