We had a blast. Hope you guys partied hard this weekend and celebrated with a few new renditions of "Firework", "God Bless the USA", "Fourth of July" and maybe some "Party in the USA". We definitely did.
We swam.
We swam.

Even late into the night.

We fished.

There was some water acrobatics,

Go team USA.
We hung out.

Then a few of us went out on the boat.

(sass wasnt feeling her best here...)
Ben and Aves and I tubed

Jo took Ella on the tube

Then Al, Linds and I went to the square like we do every year. We always get kettle corn, walk around, buy some flare and paint our faces. It is always a blast.
This year we started with a flag,

and that was fun.
We got a free HEB bandana and posed by the chicken that looked like the one that Camila linked to so we took a pic.

Then we decided that the flag on our faces was just not enough. We heard (asked the little kids that we passed) that there was a lady who free styled (the flag had been air brushed. Very professional) and we thought we would give her a whirl.
Super glad we did.

Kinley, not so much.

She kept telling Lindsay to take it off. The phrase "hard to look at" has also been used to describe us. Also "fourteen year old girls". We get it. But what other day can you completely cover your face in glitter and face paint???
We brought back a crown for McKenna because it was her half birthday on the third!!

Then it was time to bust out the fruit pizza.

Some people conked out early

Then the dance party started.

Even had room for a little congo line.
And we tried to take a group picture on the rocks...

only a few casualties.

Overall, it was one of the best we have had so far! I cant wait until next year. Hope you guys had an awesome 4th!!!
love the face paint!
Great post. Great weekend. So much fun!
We had a wonderful time. As a mom it is so much fun seeing your children become awesome parents!!!
The big chicken text made my weekend! This looks so much fun. The face paint is out of control but I like how y'all go hard or go home. Also, may I inquire about the person in the group shot that turned the t-shirt into a muscle t? Brilliant.
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