Ella has already filled her jar to the first line and she was very excited about it! Bob and Ella share a love for ice cream so I set up a special ice cream date for them at home last night.
Ice cream at the house is nothing out of the ordinary for Bob and Ella so I wanted this time to be extra special. Lots of toppings and I dipped the cones in chocolate and then dipped them in sprinkles. Ella made sure to have a little bit of everything on her ice cream, she knows how to do it up right!
I hung some balloons from the ceiling and taped brown paper and a pom-pom ball to make it look like ice cream. I saw the idea on pinterest and just did it upside down since I didn't have helium balloons. Ella loved them. She couldn't stop talking about them while she ate her ice cream and she couldn't wait to hold them.
Speaking of pinterest, I pinned this recipe for Kung Pao Chicken a while back and made it the other night. It was amazing. Like I am going to make it again this week kind of amazing. Plus when else am I gonna use the rice wine vinegar and sesame oil that I bought just for this dish.
Are you kidding me!? How DARLING is this?! Its a little after 5am & I'm up w/AK for a feeding..... I was 1/2 asleep, then I read this & I'm wide awake thinking how i want to do this little treat for Masyn! My idea of an ice cream date would be orange leaf or peach wave..... This is so much cooler than that :) I'm going to be on pinterest soon & this will probably be my 1st pin. Fab.
I love the spread of toppings and ice cream! What a happy kid! I love this post and the idea behind it :)
SO cute!!!
I also wanted to share a sweet picture that y'all inspired: http://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=241430809211131&set=a.241226565898222.68135.100000326419518&type=1&theater
(hope that works!)
My sister is currently leading a group to Rwanda that is serving an orphanage there and they were wanting exersaucers...after I saw the Go-Pod on here, I quickly told her and she ordered them to take with her! Thanks for the inspiration, ladies :)
Will you post a link to the Kung Pao recipe? Not sure how the pinterest thing works and would like the recipe soon. Thanks!
If you click on the word "this" it will take you to the recipe. Let me know if you can't find it.
I just had to stop back by LL tonight to let you know I had an ice cream party for Masyn. I couldn't wait! I didn't make the balloons......yet- but maybe next time. She love every minute of it and so did I. Thanks so much for sharing the sweet fun things you do because I never would have thought of this :) and the Tharp household LOVES ice cream!
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