We really do like to celebrate always.
When Ella was one, I threw her a Ponytail Party. It was a big day in my mommy world and I thought it should be celebrated. I never threw McKenna a ponytail party because life was just too busy at the time but I always said to myself that I would give her a potty party when the day came. So excited to say that we had the best Potty Party this weekend! We loved celebrating our big girl.
I made some fun shirts on my silhouette and heat pressed them.
I made some fun shirts on my silhouette and heat pressed them.
We hosted small group on Sunday so we just turned it into a Potluck Potty Party. What made it even better was that McKenna's sweet friend Camdyn decided to ditch the diapers too so we made it a joint party and it was so fun!
The girls are now pros at wrapping a house. They got such a kick out of throwing toilet paper in the trees. My neighbor came out as we were doing this and I tried to explain that it was decor for our potty party. He didn't get much of a kick out of it. (every potty has a pooper)
I had so much fun with this party and I was cracking myself up with the potty humor.
(I ordered the potty mug and potty candy favors from Amazon.)
I made a potty pianta out of two boxes and an old basket that I cut the bottom out of. McKenna helped me glue tissue paper squares to it. I filled it with candy and made it the prize potty for the kids when they won a game.
I made a potty pianta out of two boxes and an old basket that I cut the bottom out of. McKenna helped me glue tissue paper squares to it. I filled it with candy and made it the prize potty for the kids when they won a game.
We played Diaper Ditch by throwing water filled diapers in the trash can.
Camdyn was hands down the winner for this game. She got all three diapers in on the first try. What a natural.
Each kid got to pick an adult to wrap them in a roll of toilet paper. Adam and Harper won this one. He had Harper spin in circles real fast as he wrapped her. Genius.
The kids could color and decorate a boy/girl bathroom sign and make flowers or kazoos out of toilet paper rolls.
After dinner we sang Happy Potty Party to the girls. (McKenna did think she was 4 yrs old when she woke up today. Haha!)
Appropriate colors for the cake, hehe. (I should grow up)
Then the kids did the potty dance and entertained us all.
McKenna ended the night with her head in the potty and woke up feeling great today. That girl sure knows how to potty like a rockstar.
You win Best mom award!! Everything is so fun. You are a blessing to all. Love you!!
Oh man, you know I love the potty humor! Cracking up through this whole post! So so great. Way to go, Kenna!!
ohmy goodness, allison! this is precious & hysterical!! happy potty day, kenna!
This is hilarious. Too bad my kids are both potty trained already or else I would totally do this!
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