This weekend we had an impromptu visit to dallas and had so much fun with jeff's parents and my parents. We also got to spend time with Jeff's college roommate Paul and his wife Kristin and their two kids. We bribed them with food to come to the aquarium with us and it was a blast.

Ben could not have enjoyed a place more. He was so excited to be there and so upset when we left. Then he fell asleep on me at lunch because he was so exhausted from the excitement.

They let you feed this bird blueberries and avery did it! We had to hold her hand because she was kind of scared but he was super gentle.

me and my crew.
(check out my bag thats stained blue from my jeans. im so cool. i cant even help it)

paul, elyse, baby june and a twoheaded toed sloth. such sweet girls!! (kristin I have no idea why we dont have any pics of you!! im so sorry!!)
elyse was so open and kind while my kids were a little more shy. she was so sweet to sassy and sassy warmed up to her pretty fast.

checkin out the manatees.
(PS. I would hate to be a manatee. They are so big and have tiny little fin/wings. So oddly shaped. They do probably praise the Lord that they aren't walruses, though. Gosh, that would be awful. They weigh as much as manatees and then have to pull themselves on land with their tiny fins/wing-whatever you call them. At least the manatees get to stay in water.
PPS. Did anyone else in the world see the made for TV movie "switched at birth" about two girls who were switched at the hospital that I video taped off of tv and watched all the time in the 80's and they saved manatees on it??? why did my parents tape that for me??? ok, maybe you dont have to own up to doing this on the internet and maybe I shouldnt be either. forget i said anything....)

Overall, amazing experience. Def check it out if you are in Dallas. Lins had her 21 birthday their a few years back and that was the last time I think I have been. It really just has the coolest set up and feels like you are in the rainforest! I promise theyare arent even paying me to say this. Its just cool.
and, I guess, so are manatees.

They let you feed this bird blueberries and avery did it! We had to hold her hand because she was kind of scared but he was super gentle.

me and my crew.
(check out my bag thats stained blue from my jeans. im so cool. i cant even help it)

paul, elyse, baby june and a two
elyse was so open and kind while my kids were a little more shy. she was so sweet to sassy and sassy warmed up to her pretty fast.

checkin out the manatees.
(PS. I would hate to be a manatee. They are so big and have tiny little fin/wings. So oddly shaped. They do probably praise the Lord that they aren't walruses, though. Gosh, that would be awful. They weigh as much as manatees and then have to pull themselves on land with their tiny fins/wing-whatever you call them. At least the manatees get to stay in water.
PPS. Did anyone else in the world see the made for TV movie "switched at birth" about two girls who were switched at the hospital that I video taped off of tv and watched all the time in the 80's and they saved manatees on it??? why did my parents tape that for me??? ok, maybe you dont have to own up to doing this on the internet and maybe I shouldnt be either. forget i said anything....)

Overall, amazing experience. Def check it out if you are in Dallas. Lins had her 21 birthday their a few years back and that was the last time I think I have been. It really just has the coolest set up and feels like you are in the rainforest! I promise they
and, I guess, so are manatees.
1. Love your hair dark.
2. I can't wait to have kids so I can take them on fun trips to the aquarium
3. I'd be ok if my kids looked just like yours
I love these pictures.Avery's reflection on the last one is so cool. We LOVE taking kids to the Dallas Aquarium. Just the right size to get through before the kids are exhausted.
these shots are too cute!!! looks like you all had a blast. i can't wait for it to warm up so we can take sophia to the pittsburgh zoo..i'm pretty sure we don't have an awesome aquarium like that here. i know atlanta built one recently that's amazinggg (i'm from there)
anyways thanks for sharing!! you are seriously adorable. i love the bag..even if it is stained blue! hehe. that happened to my boots.
Jason and I got engaged at the DWA. :) The diver in the tunnel tank held up a sign that said, "Beth, will you marry me?" :)
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