
matching monday

i got kinda excited about thanksgiving (although i really got excited about christmas last night at al and bobs because of bobs amazing ability to hang lights) and decided to try and make turkey shirts. they are ruffly and kinda alot but they were my first try...i may try another look...i havent made ben's yet, either, because i dont know how to go about that without it looking kinda girly (we all remember the tunic...). so ill let you know about that one.
sass got to wear hers when she woke up from her nap and she loves it!
i also went to jordans blog(that is so fantastic) and loved her pics from the my mama made it blog and decided to try a skirt with pockets. it was so fun. a little big, but i really liked it.
fun to sew on sunday afternoons. great weekend. hope your's was great too.


Erynn said...

those are so cute. so how and when did you learn how to sew. i think i would like to try :)

Bobby B. said...

woohooo!! Kristen, those are adorable! You just blow me away! You sit down and say 'oh I think I will just sit down and whip up a couple turkey shirts"....those are AMAZING!!!!! So is the chiid in it!!

Unknown said...

seriously? You could sell those?! they are precious and look like something you would buy from anthropologie! so awesome!

Lifethrualinds said...

I love the Turkey shirts!!! If you decide to scrap those and make new ones...I know a cute little 7 month old that LOVES hand-me-downs!!! Seriously....you are insane! I can't believe you can do all that and have time to do it! Miss you!

Unknown said...

Love you all, love all the pictures!!!!

jojo said...

kristen way to go on your turkey shirt design.I love it. I see a future in designing childrens clothes. You have the perfect models for them. Love you JoJo

Blair Wheeler said...

I agree with Jo!! I'm ready to go into business with you.... as long as I'm on the sales side and NOT near a sewing machine. Move closer and let's chat about our future venture....

Unknown said...

luv this. seriously too cute!

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