It only felt like a year between October 4th and November. Bob finally got to open his second envelope!
(If you missed how all this started in October, click here.)
(If you missed how all this started in October, click here.)
The verse for November is Genesis 37. When I was planning all the envelopes I always went to a verse in the bible that had the number 37 in it. I kinda got chills when I opened up to Genesis 37. It is one of Bob's favorite stories. He loves the story of Joseph's Dream. Bob has always felt a strong connection with Joseph. Bob's a dreamer. Not like a if I win a million dollars what would I do with it kind of dreamer. (though he does love to think about that) Bob has always been a bigger kind of dreamer. Like the I can change the world kind of dream. He in no way thinks he is bigger or better than any single person. He knows that no matter how small or weak someone is, with God anything is possible. HE can do big things and Bob's dream is that God uses him to do something big.
Genesis 37 is about Joseph and his brothers. One thing about Bob and Joseph that is different is the Booth brothers really love each other, and they have never tried to kill him or sell him to Ishmaelite slave traders. Whew! So I included a very fun surprise for Bob, notes from both brothers, Tito (Matt) and Jon.
Genesis 37 is about Joseph and his brothers. One thing about Bob and Joseph that is different is the Booth brothers really love each other, and they have never tried to kill him or sell him to Ishmaelite slave traders. Whew! So I included a very fun surprise for Bob, notes from both brothers, Tito (Matt) and Jon.
Genesis 37 is also when Joseph's father gives him an elaborately embroidered coat. Referred to in many children's bible stories as the coat or robe of many colors. So I thought a fancy spa gift certificate would be perfect since you get to put on a big comfy robe. He will just have to imagine that it is covered in all colors of the rainbow.

I kinda give myself major wife props for knowing and remembering that the United States round of Formula 1 starts in November. Bob, his dad and his brothers are obsessed with Formula 1. They have all gone to the races together before and I know how much Bob loved those times. I thought this would be a good month to write about all those memories. And what better picture to make you inspired for Formula 1 than a Barbie and Polly Pocket car racing. It's pretty much like a Ferrari, right?
Then last but not least. November 10th. My accident day. We like to call it cheat death day. This year is extra special. It is the 10th anniversary of my accident. SO! Do you know what that means?! It's the 10th anniversary on November 10th! That means it's the Golden year! I know thats a huge stretch but who says you can't have a golden anniversary?! Anyways, we don't actually do anything on that day but remember and continue to praise God that I'm still here. But don't be surprised if you see me wearing a gold sequin dress on November 10th this year:)
Have a great November babe!
This is just fantastic...are you kidding me. Every single word of this is so thoughtful and personal. It is awesome. I know Bob LOVED it all. I can't wait for every this post every month!
That is so awesome! Bob has so much to write about this month!! i love your sweet spirit and love for your hubby.
you are so fantastic. what a blessing you BOTH are to your girls, friends, & family.
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