Better Late than never, right?
(I know this is not super exciting for anyone but me)
(I know this is not super exciting for anyone but me)

We started off the weekend skiing and it was just everything. Spring skiing is my favorite. You never know how the weather will be and you risk slushy snow, but our weather was so great and the kids did so well.

We took them down a run with all three kids and just my parents and jeff and I and I almost wet my pants I was laughing so hard. It was the hardest skiing I have ever done bc I was trying to keep my skis in a V so I could ski with Ben and my legs were burning! Ben didnt fall, which we feel like was a big accomplishment, but he also never really let go or did anything on his own. Sassy and aves did great and I am sure ben is on his way, but one run was really all we needed to do with all the kids together.
After that the kids had their first sleepover at Patrick and Shannons. I could not get over it- they just called and asked if they could stay over and it was the absolute neatest thing. They kids LOVED their life and patrick and shannon kept texting me everything they were doing and it all included princess coloring, swimming, movies, hungry hungry hippo, candyland and candy. BEST NIGHT EVER. I can not believe that they even wanted to deal with the crazies for 24 hours, much less give them the time of their lives. My kids are so incredibly blessed by their family and I just cant get over how amazing they are.
The next day we hung out with lindsay in the street just like when we were kids and then jumped in the car for Ella's amazing bday and sleepover of the year.
We ended the weekend in my parents pool and I dont think we could have had any more fun.

Makes me so excited for summer!
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