
Iphone Ketchup

My camera is not working.  It wont focus very well and I just don't know what to do about it.  I want to use it and keep thinking it will fix itself and then- every time- it doesn't.   When will there be a self repair button for everything I break?  Is that coming in 2013?  I feel like that would be a good investment.
SO, if you weren't tired of averys bday before, you will be now.  I just wanted to remember that we put streamers up for her to run through and filled the car with balloons when we picked her up.
Did she care about these things? No.  She wanted the streamers but the balloons, eh.  Not so much.  Did I scream and yell at her to be thankful when she was tired after school and just wanted to relax? Yup,  sure did.  Maybe I don't need to force my celebrations on everyone, every time.
Overall, it was a fun day.
Then, I ran the hot chocolate run with Jennifer and Katie and it was so much fun.  I was literally sick with anxiety before because I didn't know if they were going to be able to tell me when they needed to run faster.  What if they were sick of me walking and didn't know how to politely tell me I was the one holding the whole crew back?  Ugh.  I was so nervous. Luckily, with the adrenaline of the whole thing and my fantastically dorky running mix, there was no walking and it really worked out great.  We all ran at the same pace and just had so much fun.  So, now we are doing the rock n roll half in march.  I have no idea if I will be even close to ready for that, but I am excited.
Julie stayed a few days after the party and we had just so much fun hanging out and going to the zoo and pretending we still lived in the same town.  Then, I went to sassy's field trip with her little school.  It was hilarious.  All those kids in matching shirts. So cute.  Then, at one point she told me I had to leave because she was ready to play with her friends and she ran off.  Right.  This was just after Jeff asked if sassy even wanted me to go on her field trip and I had replied with an "of course she does!!"  Spoke too soon.
We used white crayons to write secret messages and then watercolored over them.  Then Lindsay Lancaster sent me the sweetest package full of fantastic fun stuff.  I could not get over it.  That girl has a heart of gold.
Avery (and mostly me) sewed together a doll with a kit from lindsay and we had so much fun.  We lost one of the shoes so she improvised by making her own.  I love when rule followers are ok with breaking the rules.
Sassy and ben fished in the front yard with homemade poles.
We did a run/ride as we are calling it over here.  They rode and I ran.  And pushed them.  And pleaded with them to keep going a little further and we would be done.  It was a semi success.  Success that we did it and finished and there was only a little crying.
And run over right now and see Lindsey's incredible wedding that was featured on green wedding shoes.  it was more fun than I have ever had and could not love them more.  and their wedding was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. ever.

And heres a little playlist for your weekend:
1.  Half Moon- Blind Pilot
2. Girl from the North Country- Bob Dylan
3.  The people I know- Eric Hutchinson
4.  Happy Endings- Mika
5.  Down in the Valley- Head and the Heart
6.  My body- Young the Giant
7.  Apologies- Grace Potter
8.  Vegas- Sara Bareilles
9.  Old Before your Time- Ray LaMontagne
10.  Say Please- Monsters of Folk


Misty said...

i'm loving how you're posting what you're listening to. i'm really loving it when i've been listening to one or two of the same songs :)

Lauren said...

I added your playlist to my spotify and I'm loving it Thanks for the recs!

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