
when it rains, it pours...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, it has been a hard couple of weeks for us. 
It all started with just a little pink eye... 
Ella got pink eye a few weeks ago and we treated it with eye drops. She then got an upper respiratory infection with a really bad cough. Ella is a VERY loving big sister which made it very hard to keep her out of little sister McKenna's face. Last week McKenna began to have a little cough. It got worse each day and she started having trouble catching her breath. We took her into the doctor last week and she tested positive for RSV. There is nothing to treat RSV, it just has to pass on its own. RSV is not that serious in older kids but it can get pretty scary with little babies. Bob and I started taking shifts during the night to keep an eye on her because she was choking so much. It scared me to death! We decided to take her to the ER last night and they admitted her. She is still in the hospital now and the doctors aren't sure when she will be released yet. Hopefully soon though. She is getting breathing treatments and oxygen and they are monitoring her 24/7.
Picnik collage
It breaks my heart. It is the saddest thing to see her little body struggle. We are hoping to see some improvement in the next couple of days. There are lots of prayers being said and we greatly appreciate it. 
Picnik collage
My mom flew in today to help us out and we are so thankful to have her here. 
I will keep you guys updated and I'm hoping to be back with a more light hearted post soon:)
Oh and I forgot to mention that Bob woke up with pink eye this morning...why wouldn't he! 


Brittany said...

oh my goodness allison! I am so sorry! We will be praying! keep us updated.

Taylin said...

Praying for you and your sweet little baby!

Jamie said...

oh no! prayers for a speedy recovery coming your way!

Melissa said...

what a week! praying for all of you!

Helen said...

Pretty girls! We're praying for McKenna. Hope she's home soon!

the glover gang said...

oh my goodness! so sorry for you yall and your sweet girls! praying McKenna gets well so soon!

Erynn said...

Read this and prayed for you and sweet McKenna this morning.

fromhousetohome said...

Praying for sweet McKenna and for all of you! You are all so precious!

MatersandMelons said...

Oh no! My son, Gibson, had to be admitted to the hospital for a high fever when he was 5 weeks old, and it was terrible -- and RSV is no fun. I will say lots of prayers that McKenna gets out soon and everyone in your family gets better!

Leslie said...

I am so sorry Allison!! I've heard this is the worst RSV season. Praying for all of you! Spring is right around the corner. PLEASE let me know if you need anything!!!!!

Elizabeth said...

Thinking of all of you Allison. I hope your babes feel better soon.

Camila said...

Oh that poor baby! Poor all of you! Hope everyone is feeling better and you're holding up ok!

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