
snow days...

Sorry I have been so behind on blogging, don't give up one me. I'm gettin this two kid thing down and will be back in the swing of things in no time! 
McKenna is 5 weeks old today. I still look like feel like I just had her yesterday. I only have one more week of "recovery time" and then I am given the ok to do everything I was doing before. I feel like 6 weeks of recovery time for a c-section is a little much. I felt healed weeks ago and if it wasn't for my rule following husband I would have been in the gym long before now. (who are we kidding, that sentence is such a lie) I'm a huge rule follower as well and the gym might be one of the last places you would find me. But for real, next week I will be there. Zumba, here I come!
My cabin fever hit a new level last week. Three snow days in a row was crazy! Fun, but crazy.
Picnik collage
Picnik collage
Picnik collage
Picnik collage
Ella had so much fun playing in the snow and being stuck in the house with everyone for three days. Pretty sure she would have lost it day four though. Hope everyone else got to enjoy some good snow days too! (big thanks to Brittany for taking these pics!)
I will be back tomorrow with some super cute Valentines that Ella and I made for her class. 


Camila said...

If you can teach me how you find time for the gym with 2 little ones I will be forever in your debt! Congrats on precious McKenna!!

Brittany Strebeck said...

my snow days would have been so boring without you guys!! yay for having cabin fever together :)

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