Hope everyone is having a fantastic thanksgiving, eating tons of turkey, pie, and rolls (i love rolls...).
We can not tell you guys how thankful we are for yall. You are so encouraging and supportive, no matter what. We just cant believe it and are just so so thankful for it.

To say thanks to you guys we are going to giveaway (you guessed it) a circle scarf! You can pick whatever color combo you want! It is a custom made giveaway!!
Leave us a comment with something you are thankful for and we will let yall know next week who the winner is!
Thank yall so so much, again and hope yall have tons of things to be thankful for today. I know we do
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!! I am thankful for friends and family that have stuck by me and encouraged me through a tough year!
I am thankful for God and that he sent his son to save us and he PLANS my every step! WHOO
happy thanksgiving :)
I'm thankful for: the Lord's provision and his direction of my every step! For a J-O-B! And for best friends and family that speak truth and encouragement into my life. beyond blessed.
I am thankful for my family and my family-like friends. And for a healthy family.
I am thankful for a God who never changes and His love that is never ending! I am thankful for my family and that we are all healthy at the moment! I love your blog and have had tons of fun crafting with your tutorials!!
I'm thankful that my sister moved home from Denver!!
Happy thanksgiving to y'all! I love reading your blog and seeing all the ideas you have! I am so thankful for my sweet sweet husband! Marriage has been such a blessing!
I am thankful for my new found blog addiction;))just started blogging but I am sooo in love with getting ideas, tips, and a circle of blog friends!!!
i am thankful for my friends, family and all my comforts in life. i am also thankful for our Lord and his forgiveness for us. Happy Thanksgiving!
oh and another i am thankful for this cold front :)
I am so very thankful to be surrounded by the support AND love of family and friends this Thanksgiving season! I am a rather new blogger, as well as a newlywed, and find myself so very blessed to begin this memorable new chapter in life! It's been oh-so-lovely gathering ideas and creativity from your AmAzInG blog!
This year, I am especially thankful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. I am blessed beyond measure, but that is one very concrete blessing for which i am grateful every single day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
FUN giveaway! There are so many things to be thankful for, but one that I am especially thankful for now is a healthy pregnancy.
just love you girls!
I have so many blessings in my life and I am thankful for so many things. Of all of these, I am most thankful for my sweet husband and precious girls:) Oh, and I love, love, love the scarves!
I am thankful for a loving husband and three healthy babes.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for all of God's blessings, especially my wonderful family and my awesome husband!
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for God's unending love and work in our lives. This time last year we lost our family business, a car, and all of our savings. We also found out that are 1 year old had an 8 month gross motor delay and began the tough road of therapy with her. One year later our 2 year old is running around and my husband as an AMAZING job! God is so faithful, all the time! He allowed us to use the loss as an opportunity to focus on all that we do have, the greatest being his Son! Thank you God!!!!! We are so blessed!
Happy Thanksgiving to you! Great giveaway! You know I am having trouble picking a color combo. =)
We at the McQuire house are thankful to be back in Texas close to our family and friends. We feel so incredibly blessed to finally be home and be able to raise our sweet baby girl in the GREAT state!! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!! I am so thankful for my family and friends. What a fun day it has been - holidays are waaay more fun with a baby! ;)
I am thankful for Jesus, friends, family, and my circle scarf that kept me warm during the Aggie game as we beat tu tonite!!!
I am thankful for such a blessed life! Especially for all the friends, family and the most-loving boyfriend ever that has helped renew my faith. I am so thankful for their never ending love, encouragement and strength. They keep me grounded and humbled in order to be the best me I can be for God and all those around me. oxox!
i am thankful for my family
I am thankful for God, for my healthy family and for finding the blogging world!
happy thanksgiving! i'm especially thankful for fantastic family and friends that have loved and encouraged us well this year and a healthy pregnancy! love you girls!!
Hey there,
I am thankful for my sweet twins, my sweet baby boy, & my hubby. I am also thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom.
I love your scarfs...:)
I am thankful for so many things so I can't just pick one. First of all I'm thankful I'm the only guy that reads your blog so I have a shot at giving my wife one of your sweet scarfs. I extremely thankful for my wife and how amazing of a women, wife, and mother she is. I'm also thankful for two sweet little girls that I can't wait to bring to Tyler to spend time with your family. We love you guys and look forward to spending some good time with you guys soon. So due to the only male to comment I expect to win.
I'm thankful for cold weather, good deals, lots of food and time off!
Hmmm. Of course I'm thankful for my sweet Jesus, friends, and wonderful family. But, I'll go ahead and add that I'm thankful for Apple computers, coffee shops, babies, Texas, college football (And those two together), BLOGS, rain, vacation, seat warmers.... and Anthropologie. In no particular order. :)
Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!!
I am thankful for friendship, I am thankful that there will be a day where we are reunited in heaven with family and friends who have gone before us.
I am thankful to not be pregnant! Ha! Love ya girl! Hope you had a great holiday!!
I'm thankful for our daughter who was born still in May. Although I miss her tremendously, I'm thankful that God gave me the opportunity to experience pregnancy (she was a fertility baby and I have friends who had to adopt without ever getting to experience a pregnancy). I'm thankful that what happened to her wasn't genetic and we can try for baby #2. And I'm thankful that I have one more thing to look forward to in Heaven.
I am so thankful of restoration in our family over the past year. Its been difficult healing through some wounds but I am blessed that God has restored relationships that were meant to last all of life. Happy thanks!!
Today I am thankful for having my husband home this weekend, having a sweet baby boy who is saying "mama" even though he doesn't know that is my name yet, and for having time yesterday to put up our Christmas tree. Haven't done that in the 4 yrs of med school!
thankful for my husband giving me space and time to create. He sees that it feeds something in my soul and that it gives me so much. thanks for all the babysitting so I can be on my sewing machine... :)
Cute scarf! I'm thankful for my three healthy children, creative blogs, and strong coffee!
i am so thankful to have a loving and supporting family, i would not have made it through this year without them.
love the circle scarf so much!
I am thankful for my 10 month old baby boy and my loving husband. I am thankful for my 23 kindergartners that brighten my day at school every morning!
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