
crochet cupcake

so, you know i love to bake, and i love to crochet and the other night, while watching lost and wanting to be a little distracted during the stressful parts (i dont know why i get stressed out when there is conflict in ANY situation on tv...im such a wuss but i also love to watch shows with conflict...give me any indie super sad movie and i love it. so conflicting...) anyway, what was i saying? oh ya, i decided to google crochet cupcakes and i used this pattern and made this little jewel
i accidentally used heavier yarn on top so its pretty lopsided but it was my first try...im gonna make a bakers dozen and let you know how those come out


lins said...

no way! this is so cute!!

jan said...

That is so adorable Kristen!! You continue to amaze me! I love you!!

Camila said...

I also do something a little distracting during stressful LOST moments. We are LOST drug dealers. We own the first few seasons on DVD and loan them out to folks who have never watched before (one season at a time) and laugh at how quickly they come back for the next season! Cute cupcake. I think it would make me hungry all the time.

Blair Wheeler said...

Time for a cupcake-themed party.... I'll start looking for Vans now! :)

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