so, today, as of 12:00, is sept 23; my fantastic friend, allison's, 28th b-day. As you have all seen, her creativity is above and beyond anyone else's; her attention to detail is perfect; her parties immaculate and unique; her hair gorgeous, her skin and smile, beautiful and her family, amazing.
you have seen her inner desire to be a cheerleader (though you do not know that we both tried out like 3 times and never made it...can't say we arent persistent), her amazing cooking skills, her deep love for tie dye, her (even deeper) love for a theme, and the way she loves all kids as though they are her own.
but, what you all don't get to see, when you just read words (i mean, it def shows, but more in person) is that al is the most thoughtful and kind person you will ever know. she is always putting people above herself and she never thinks twice about it. she is always joyful and positive, even when her husband has been gone three nights of the week on call, ella is sick and all thats left to eat is mac and cheese- she sees the bright side and makes you see it to. its contagious. the Lord used her, and this amazing joy that she has, to always make me laugh and remind me how great everything is (or will be). esp when i was awake, for what seems like forever, with my twins and, i was learning how to even be a mom to twins at all. she is a gift to me; one that i treasure so much and i am so thankful that i have known her for so many years and have been able to see her growing into the person she is.
love you, al. happy big 2-8.

Happy Birthday Allison!!! Have a blessed and amazing day!!!
Happy Birthday Al! Love you and miss you and hope you have a fantastic day!
Joyous to know about your friend’s birthday and hope you had a great time there. Last month, I arranged my cousin’s birthday at an exquisite venue Houston TX. She liked my arrangements a lot.
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