Last halloween me and Kristen went trick or treating in Denver Colorado with our very good friend Aly (also my wonderful sister-in-law). We had so much fun and the kids just loved all being together so we decided to do it again this year! Last year Bob came with us and Jeff stayed in lubbock with Ben and Sassy. This year both husbands are going and we are so excited and can't wait!!! We have been going through so many costume ideas that would work with 6 kids and 6 adults. Aly found a super cute cupcake costume for her oldest girl so that got us on the baked goods costume idea. They don't make a lot of baked goods for costumes so we are making them ourselves! Kristen is a pro at sewing, she has made pillows, blankets, clothes and so much more. I, on the other hand have never sewed before so my mom brought her sewing machine with her to Abilene this last weekend and she helped me make Ella's costume. (when I say helped, I mean she basically did everything) The little ones are going to be different kinds of cookies so we made Ella a chocolate chip cookie costume and it turned out so cute! The moms are going to wear aprons and the dads are going to be cookie monster! Here are some pics of us making the cookie.

Ella loved the fabric store, she organized the colored thread forever.

While we sewed, Ella napped and watched Annie on our car tv.

She wasn't ready to model the cookie costume yet!

avery's costume!
That is awesome you all! I used to make Jeff and Sarah's costumes and those are such fun memories!! You all will have a blast! Hopefully you will not have snow then! We had it all day yesterday and it was so beautiful! Now ready to hit the heat in Texas again! Love you all!
SUCH a cute idea! I can't WAIT to see pictures! You guys are always so creative!
I love that idea! I am all about themed costumes as well...any ideas for our little quartet?
i'm so impressed!! yet super bummed y'all will be in colorado. how about we pretend it's halloween in a couple weeks so i can see you guys all costumed out!
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