September 23rd I turned the big 33. I woke up surprised to find the table set up. Bob had gotten balloons, somehow dug in my craft nook and found my CELEBRATE letters, made a cake with the girls for me, a gift from the girls and the best note ever from Bob.

We had already said no gifts for each other that cost money. We didn't want to take that away from the girls though so Bob let them buy me a gift. I had circled a locket necklace in a random catalog forever ago and Ella remembered to show and tell Bob about it. I loved opening it. Bob's gift to me might be one of my favorites. He wrote me a very sweet note and explained that he was giving me the gift of time. Every single day of my 33rd year, he will give me what he calls "The First 15." Immediately after the girls are laid down to sleep I get his first 15 minutes of free time. No SportsCenter, no phone, no internet, no work, instead he will be 100% focused on doing whatever I ask for a solid 15 minutes. I can't tell you how much I have loved this gift already. I feel almost guilty getting to have it the entire year. I honestly forgot about it the first week and every single night after the kids would go to bed, Bob would come and stand in front of me and say, Well? What do you want to do? I was like, what do you mean? Then he would so sweetly remind me that I had full control of the next 15 minutes. I have had him help me figure spacing issues on decorating a door for Ella and McKennna's classroom, empty and reload the dishwasher, watch 15 minutes of ridiculous reality tv shows, play rummikub (which lead to over an hour and me kicking his butt), picking up the playroom and hanging pictures on the wall. Some nights I honestly feel so bad and just want him to just sit with me or I tell him I want him to watch SportsCenter. It really has been the best gift for both of us and I couldn't ask for more.
My mom came in town on my actual birthday so it was fun to have someone with me while Bob was working all day and the girls were at school. We got our nails done and then spent the evening taking the girls to speech and gymnastics. When we walked in the door, dinner was set on the table and I couldn't get over it. When I first met Bob I told him my favorite food was Chinese food from a box. I loved eating it straight out of a take out box. For one of our first dates he called all around Fort Worth to find a place that had the take out boxes. He took us to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens to eat it and I was so surprised and impressed that he had remembered and was so thoughtful to pay such attention to a small but very important detail to me. Turned out they forgot to put silverware or even chopsticks with our order. Keep in mind this was one of our very first dates so I was already so nervous to eat in front of him and now I had to eat fried rice and noodles with my hands. It ended up being pretty funny and a great first date memory. So, with the side story, you can see why my birthday dinner was extra special this year. He had driven 40 minutes each way to find good Chinese food WITH the take out boxes to eat it from. Truly was the best birthday!

My mom brought a cake too so I got double the birthday wishes this year!

The day after my birthday, my mom and I headed to Round Top. I have been wanting to do this since I have moved here. It is an antique show that happens twice a year. It's huge and so cool! We had gotten lots of great tips from Kristen's fabulous mother-n-law Jan who is a pro and regular at Round Top. We decided to go on a Wednesday so we wouldn't have much traffic. The crowds were amazing. Not very many of the venders were open that early on in the week but more than enough were open for us to see in a day trip. We left right after dropping the girls off at school. We were so lost and didn't really know where to head first but everyone was so nice and helpful there. We just wondered around and looked at the coolest stuff. I was on the hunt for a new kitchen table and chairs. Our kitchen area is very tiny so it needed to be a pretty small table and I needed the table and chairs to be at a very good price. I was looking for a major steal. We came across lots of beautiful tables but they were either the wrong size or price. We stayed until it closed and walked away with a few great items. No table but it was still such a fun and successful day.

There was a famous restaurant called Royers that everyone said to eat at but we were told it was impossible to get in without reservations. Since is was a Wednesday night we popped in and took our chances. Turns out there were two seats at the bar and we got them! It was the best food and the most delicious pie.

The next morning we woke up and as I left at 8 to drop the girls off at school, my mom headed out to drive back to Fort Worth. Or so I thought. Around noon that day, I called my mom just to make sure she had made it back home. She immediately started laughing so hard and told me she was actually back at Round Top! WHAT?! She couldn't stand that I didn't find a table so she drove back again and looked at some of the tents that hadn't opened until that day. How cool and awesome is my mom?! I couldn't believe it. It gets even better! She found a table and chairs that were the perfect size, perfect color and the perfect price! So she loaded them up and brought them to my house. I love it so much! Our DIY chalkboard table was so fun while it lasted but it was falling apart so we needed an update. I couldn't think of a better table for our little nook.

It's actually a wine tasting table but the size is so perfect for our kitchen table. We love it so much!

Bring it on 33!

We had already said no gifts for each other that cost money. We didn't want to take that away from the girls though so Bob let them buy me a gift. I had circled a locket necklace in a random catalog forever ago and Ella remembered to show and tell Bob about it. I loved opening it. Bob's gift to me might be one of my favorites. He wrote me a very sweet note and explained that he was giving me the gift of time. Every single day of my 33rd year, he will give me what he calls "The First 15." Immediately after the girls are laid down to sleep I get his first 15 minutes of free time. No SportsCenter, no phone, no internet, no work, instead he will be 100% focused on doing whatever I ask for a solid 15 minutes. I can't tell you how much I have loved this gift already. I feel almost guilty getting to have it the entire year. I honestly forgot about it the first week and every single night after the kids would go to bed, Bob would come and stand in front of me and say, Well? What do you want to do? I was like, what do you mean? Then he would so sweetly remind me that I had full control of the next 15 minutes. I have had him help me figure spacing issues on decorating a door for Ella and McKennna's classroom, empty and reload the dishwasher, watch 15 minutes of ridiculous reality tv shows, play rummikub (which lead to over an hour and me kicking his butt), picking up the playroom and hanging pictures on the wall. Some nights I honestly feel so bad and just want him to just sit with me or I tell him I want him to watch SportsCenter. It really has been the best gift for both of us and I couldn't ask for more.
My mom came in town on my actual birthday so it was fun to have someone with me while Bob was working all day and the girls were at school. We got our nails done and then spent the evening taking the girls to speech and gymnastics. When we walked in the door, dinner was set on the table and I couldn't get over it. When I first met Bob I told him my favorite food was Chinese food from a box. I loved eating it straight out of a take out box. For one of our first dates he called all around Fort Worth to find a place that had the take out boxes. He took us to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens to eat it and I was so surprised and impressed that he had remembered and was so thoughtful to pay such attention to a small but very important detail to me. Turned out they forgot to put silverware or even chopsticks with our order. Keep in mind this was one of our very first dates so I was already so nervous to eat in front of him and now I had to eat fried rice and noodles with my hands. It ended up being pretty funny and a great first date memory. So, with the side story, you can see why my birthday dinner was extra special this year. He had driven 40 minutes each way to find good Chinese food WITH the take out boxes to eat it from. Truly was the best birthday!

My mom brought a cake too so I got double the birthday wishes this year!

The day after my birthday, my mom and I headed to Round Top. I have been wanting to do this since I have moved here. It is an antique show that happens twice a year. It's huge and so cool! We had gotten lots of great tips from Kristen's fabulous mother-n-law Jan who is a pro and regular at Round Top. We decided to go on a Wednesday so we wouldn't have much traffic. The crowds were amazing. Not very many of the venders were open that early on in the week but more than enough were open for us to see in a day trip. We left right after dropping the girls off at school. We were so lost and didn't really know where to head first but everyone was so nice and helpful there. We just wondered around and looked at the coolest stuff. I was on the hunt for a new kitchen table and chairs. Our kitchen area is very tiny so it needed to be a pretty small table and I needed the table and chairs to be at a very good price. I was looking for a major steal. We came across lots of beautiful tables but they were either the wrong size or price. We stayed until it closed and walked away with a few great items. No table but it was still such a fun and successful day.

There was a famous restaurant called Royers that everyone said to eat at but we were told it was impossible to get in without reservations. Since is was a Wednesday night we popped in and took our chances. Turns out there were two seats at the bar and we got them! It was the best food and the most delicious pie.

The next morning we woke up and as I left at 8 to drop the girls off at school, my mom headed out to drive back to Fort Worth. Or so I thought. Around noon that day, I called my mom just to make sure she had made it back home. She immediately started laughing so hard and told me she was actually back at Round Top! WHAT?! She couldn't stand that I didn't find a table so she drove back again and looked at some of the tents that hadn't opened until that day. How cool and awesome is my mom?! I couldn't believe it. It gets even better! She found a table and chairs that were the perfect size, perfect color and the perfect price! So she loaded them up and brought them to my house. I love it so much! Our DIY chalkboard table was so fun while it lasted but it was falling apart so we needed an update. I couldn't think of a better table for our little nook.

It's actually a wine tasting table but the size is so perfect for our kitchen table. We love it so much!

Bring it on 33!
Happy birthday!!! Looks like 33 is off to a great start!
Can we talk about how sweet this all is!? How thoughtful of bob, I love the first 15 SO much. And how sweet of jojo. I love that table. What a perfect birthday!
What a SWEET & THOUGHTFUL birthday!! I got a bit teary eyed reading this!! Hope you have the best year ever! Happy {belated} Birthday!
What a SWEET & THOUGHTFUL birthday!! I got a bit teary eyed reading this!! Hope you have the best year ever! Happy {belated} Birthday!
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