Even though we are well into November, this will be a very belated Halloween post.
Melt my heart Wonder Women!

Melt my heart Wonder Women!

Our Halloween started with a little pumpkin smashing. The girls and I had made paper mache pumpkins about a month ago and filled them with tons of candy. Even though it was pretty hard to smash them open, the girls enjoyed getting all the candy out.

We set up a table outside for the kids Wonder Women, Cinderella, Lala Loopsy and a Pirate to pass out candy. They were so funny to watch and had so much fun overfilling each trick or treaters bag.

Julie made these AMAZING costumes! They were beyond perfect!

Kristen found me this fantastic wonder woman shirt and I just LOVED matching my girls!

I made a big pot of rachel rays chicken tortilla soup and a very cheap version of Sangria I found on Pinterest. It was so easy and very good. Two bottles of white wine (mine was the cheapest the store had. $4), 3 cups of orange juice and two oranges sliced up.

Once it got dark we took the kids trick or treating.
After filling our bags up we came back home for a group picture.

Then a little monster mash dancing:)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!

We set up a table outside for the

Julie made these AMAZING costumes! They were beyond perfect!

Kristen found me this fantastic wonder woman shirt and I just LOVED matching my girls!

I made a big pot of rachel rays chicken tortilla soup and a very cheap version of Sangria I found on Pinterest. It was so easy and very good. Two bottles of white wine (mine was the cheapest the store had. $4), 3 cups of orange juice and two oranges sliced up.

Once it got dark we took the kids trick or treating.
After filling our bags up we came back home for a group picture.

Then a little monster mash dancing:)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween!
Such a fun evening! That group pic is the best one I have ever seen with that many little kids and taken with a self timer! ha!
this is random, but I am looking for night gowns for my girls & I found a website that has matching family pj's.... AND that includes pj's for the dog! how fun is that?! matchingsleepwear.com :) cute!
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