
The East Texas Fair

last year we went to the west texas fair.  its so crazy to be going to the east texas fair, this year.  its just so crazy to live so far away from where we lived in may.  
brycie came down to visit and we just kinda decided to go, kinda last minute.  
we got all the goods- fried pickles, turkey legs, cotton candy...
(they did not have time to take the butterfly face paint off, were obviously sporting the crop top, and i didnt brush their hair.  we fit right in.)
and it was fantastic!  we rode the carousel, like three times, and they could not stop laughing and smiling.
and they loved the ferris wheel.
Picnik collage
cant wait til next year.
still havent had the fried butter...

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love this post!! Kristen you crack me up!! Your kids are so fantastic!!

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