Ella and I took a day trip to Odessa today. We went to visit my granny for a few hours and it was so fun. I got to catch up with my sweet cousin Tina while Ella decorated granny's quilt with princess stickers. My granny is pretty sick so she couldn't say much at all but it was just so nice being there with her today. (the song "When You Say Nothing at All" comes to my mind as I write this. I like when moments in your life match a song, I know I'm dorky!) Ella loved granny and loved being at her house. It was a very nice little day trip we had today.
Allison....that is so precious. I am sure we will never know how much that means to the elderly until we get there but I am sure it was such a bright spot for her. They LOVE children and it always amazes me how kids just accept them for where they are in life. What a gift. Blessings to you for ministering to her!
Allison you are such a sweet daughter for taking time to go visit Granny. It means so much to us for you to take the time out of your busy day to see her. There are few things left in life we can do for Granny but this is something that means the world to Dad. Thank You.
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