I have been so behind on blogging this summer so I am just going to mashup a whole bunch of posts into one. Hopefully this will get me to where I can post things that are up to date. Ok. Here comes a whole lot of random summer happenings...
We loved getting to have a late night playdate with Julie and her girls while both the dads were on call. The girls had so much fun making sugar cookies. We made our own sprinkles by dropping food coloring into sugar. McKenna and Lily were our sugar taste testers.

They rolled a ball of sugar cookie in the sprinkles and then we cut the ball at the top twice. It was supposed to make a flower shape. It was still more like a blob.
I had seen on Pinterest that if you mix a little powered jello into white icing it makes a great colored icing. The only jello I had was blue raspberry but it really was so good. I can't wait to try it with other flavors. The girls seemed to like it too.
Did you guys know that Lowes has craft days?! And it's free! Bob and I took the girls to a workshop where they made a car from Toy Story. It was so much fun! Bob helped McKenna make hers and I helped Ella. I joked at the beginning that we would finish ours first. Turns out Bob and McKenna finished first and I put our wheels on backwards...

Bob was the fun dad who had the great idea to pull down a piece of plywood to create a race track for all the kids. It was a huge hit!
I was hoping Ella's car would have some sort of magical speed with the wheels on backwards. Not so much... Sorry Ella.
One of the crafts that McKenna's sweet teacher did with them at school this summer was painting cupcakes. She made the cupcakes out of spray foam. The stuff that you use to spray on pipes and stuff to fill in cracks. I thought it was the coolest idea so we did it at home too.
I filled the cupcakes up about 3/4 full. I let them dry overnight. They were puffed up and ready to paint by morning.

Lots of fun pool time at my parents house.
And in our backyard:)
One day during some much needed rain showers, we made some rain art. The girls colored on canvas with markers and then set them out in the rain to spread. Basically just a fun way to get the watercolor look.
We painted lots of masterpieces.
Even on faces.

We had dinner over at Kristen's new house a few weeks ago with Lindsay and her fam. It was a dream come true! All the parents and kids together is pure joy.

After dinner we went downtown for some ice cream.

I think that brings me up to speed now. Can't believe summer is over! Hope everyone else had a fun and crazy summer!

I will be back with a first day of Kindergarten post! I can't believe it! Today is the first day so I can't wait to hear all about it!

We had dinner over at Kristen's new house a few weeks ago with Lindsay and her fam. It was a dream come true! All the parents and kids together is pure joy.

After dinner we went downtown for some ice cream.

I think that brings me up to speed now. Can't believe summer is over! Hope everyone else had a fun and crazy summer!

I will be back with a first day of Kindergarten post! I can't believe it! Today is the first day so I can't wait to hear all about it!
This is random, but where did you get that pink plastic baby pool thing. I have never seen that and looks so fun. Looks like you guys had a great summer!
So cute!
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