(who can get over Ben in his 70's musician hair?! and his shirt poking out like he has a gut- kills me.)
It really was fantastic. No one cried, and they seemed excited when they saw their teachers. We even got there on time without feeling rushed, which was obviously a first day of school miracle that will never happen again.

and I only have a picture of aves at her desk and not the twins. SO, mom fail.

And the second day they got up there and walked in with ease and excitement and then when we got to the twins teacher they got kind of clingy and cry-y. I found out that Ben had wanted to sit with Sassy at her desk for the day the day before. I dont know exactly how it all went down, but the teacher had let him pull up a chair at her desk and not sit at his own desk. I dont know if that issue has been resolved yet, but what a sweet teacher letting them sit together. Just love that leniency this week. I know there will have to be more hardcoreness next week :)
oh, and baby makes four- coming in Jan! (hopefully Dec. All fingers are crossed!)

I know four kids is kind of crazy. When I met my new Dr, after looking at my charts he asked if I was sure if I wanted to do this? What with all my kids already grown up, why would I want to go back??? He went on to stress that three is the normal amount of kids that one should have and I quickly realized I was pretty on par with the Duggers. Thank you for the advice, but I am already kind of pretty deep in this.
I have definitely have my "what was I thinking?" moments, but the thought of getting to hold another chubby big headed baby just makes me giddy.
So, we are excited. And I am 22 weeks at this point and feeling great. The beginning was rough and I didnt feel very good at all, but I am through the rough parts and feeling so much better.
oh, and its only one baby this time. So that's super exciting :)
I cannot believe you waited this long to share your exciting news!!! 4 will be fantastic!! And WOOHOO for a single baby!!! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations! That is SO exciting!
So your doc said all that AFTER you were pregnant?! That is so strange! I'm so excited for y'all!
Yeah, are you getting a new doc? Seriously? You are NOT crazy, and you won't regret any of it. :)
They look So grown up! and I LOVE Ben's hair. That is kind of what I want to do with G's. He still has that dinosaur. They are so cute! Hope they have an excellent year!
Cannot wait for baby barstad #4!! I still remember the day you brought home little Aves to your CS house. Can't believe it's been so long. Baby #4 is going to be perfect and beautiful just like all your other babies/not so babies anymore!! :)
Congrats!! So exciting!
I had to read. reread. reread. reread. did i read that correctly?! another sweet baby!? congratulations!! so exciting!! <3
are you having a boy!? I just had to read again & noticed the blue star....
Ahhh congrats!!
I am way late to the game but WOW! Congratulations!!! New babies are the best; I'm so happy for y'all!
Aw!! Congratulations! :D that is such wonderful news!!
Sort about the doc not being excited for you, that's a bummer. I think I would've been seriously peeved!
Anyhow, congrats again! P.S. Love the family pics. We need to take some soon, too :)
Aw!! Congratulations! :D that is such wonderful news!!
Sort about the doc not being excited for you, that's a bummer. I think I would've been seriously peeved!
Anyhow, congrats again! P.S. Love the family pics. We need to take some soon, too :)
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