Since going to New York City with my family, Avery has been pretty obsessed with it. She loves Broadway and says that she wants to be on it someday . They never complain when we make them walk all over the city and they love seeing everything. We get candy at Dylan's, go to central park and the zoo, and have to at least look into FAO Schwartz. This last time we took the fairy by the Statue of Liberty and she was beside herself. Really, her very favorite part is the subway (unfortunately that could not be captured very well in our house). So, when she said she wanted a New York party, I got kind of excited. Allison is a master at transforming cardboard boxes into a new world and I had never tried my hand at it. I thought this would be a good time to give it a go. I didnt really have to cut the buildings into any crazy shapes and could really just paint them and they would be buildings. I am not very good at transforming something from just a box. Luckily, buildings are already in the shape of boxes and Jeff was there to help me do all the creatively shaped objects (ie. a taxi).

We had an apartment building, Dylan's Candy shop that I put a shoe organizer inside and stuffed with candy so there would be candy inside, FAO Schwartz that we filled with some of the kids toys, a building with a needle on top (?), a random building with graffiti, a hot dog and pretzel cart and a taxi.
We sent out these invitations which I directly copied off of this cute lady's that I saw over here.

I found the brick paper at michaels and it was so easy to wrap the boxes up. Jeff made the window boxes and the cute taxi.

The broadway sign is just craft letters from Joanns (and they didnt have any A's so I had to use upside down V's. And sassy glued them on the foam board so they are a littttllle off...). The broadway posters are just engineer prints from staples that I glued on foam board and my father in law drilled holes around to put the lights through. Super easy and cheap.

On the table I put taxi cookies that I ordered online from the same place I got the statue of liberty hats and the statue of liberty for the cake (that I saw here and copied). I also got subway maps and put everything on a New York Times paper.

I got the stickers from and my friend James sent us the fantastic m&ms!

and these ladies just surprised me and completely MADE the party, because who can even think of a NYC party without lady liberty?! Just loved love LOVED when they walked in and avery ran over to me to tell me they were dressed as the statue of liberty. Just couldn't get over it.
oh and who could forget Jessie's?

We watch too much disney channel over here, so avery wanted to include Jessie's appt in the party. I mean, actors can be like your friends right?

Then, we partied until we could not party anymore. We had hot dogs and preztels and cookies and candy from Dylans until we were stuffed. The kids were everywhere and it was just a blast. There were multiple costume changes and a lot of performances by the girls on avery's new mic. (Let's just say we may need to give those singing lessons a try.) I don't think it could have gone better. (Unless I had taken pics at the party. I was having too much fun and had to steal all of these pics from everyone else. Thanks guys for documenting!) Thank you to everyone who came and hung out and made it the bday girls dream. Friends partying in the big apple? Nothing better.
Maybe if I had had a subway. Next year...
KRISTEN!!!!! HOW do you do it!? I mean, really!? Love every single detail {what's new (: } What a fun & creative party & I just want to move right in & eat a pretzel & hold a baby! :) Happy Birthday Avery!
KRISTEN!!!!! HOW do you do it!? I mean, really!? Love every single detail {what's new (: } What a fun & creative party & I just want to move right in & eat a pretzel & hold a baby! :) Happy Birthday Avery!
I love this so much!
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