Oh Counting Crows reference.
The 90s are back, anyway right?
What am I saying. Of course they are. My Facebook feed, just this week was full of people coveting and/or buying Doc Martins and Keds.
The two most opposite of the 90s shoes by the way. One much too light to last and the other will never die thanks alone to its steal toes.
And that has nothing to do with anything.
But this is how my brain has been the entire nov/dec months. It's like a car wash in there. Stuff is being washed away just as I think of it and then put on another side of my brain. Then, even though at the end it should be clean, its just more muttled and cloudy than when I started the day. How is that for a metaphor.
Back to whatever I was going to say before I said anything.
We have had a great December so far but it is going much too fast. Too fast to get presents and have christmas parties and too fast because I will have a one year old at the end of it. Just can not wrap my head around that one.
Speaking of one year olds,

We went ahead and turned this kid around.
We thought like all parents do, that seeing us would lead to incredible excitement and peace in the car, but of course it has only made her more mad that she can see us and we won't let her out or look at her the entire drive. She is a mess.

It was also my birthday and I loved it like I do every year. Just the best. And linds got me the awesome scarf and let me hold this angel as long as I wanted. Heaven.

I have truly failed my kids as a mom this year.
We dont have a tree yet and this is the only santa we have seen. Santa Claus did actually come to our town in the form of a parade and it was so much fun. The parade was amazing and he threw snow-until he got to us and he ran out. And then I begged them to go talk to him after the parade and they just wanted to go home.

But it was magical while it lasted.

And we got a group pic (jeff was working.)

We also went down to Tyler for Hilltop Get's Lit. It was so much fun seeing everyone and everyone was wearing the shirts I had made in the past and it literally made me want to cry. I love that crew so much.

blurry, but documented.

The kids were adorable and have the whole routine down. It was just so much fun. It gets better every year.
We didnt get to see Brooke and Will because we were in and out, but they did come in town for our friend Ryan's bday and we forgot to take a pic. But I LOVE YOU GUYS!! And thank y'all for letting us crash your lunch!

We have been making a lot of sweatshirts and it has been so much fun. I seriously love it so much.

Thank you guys so much for being so supportive!!
And I have had a lot of help.

We went to Sams to get a table to work on (that jeff spent his entire off day on that ended up being too tall. wa wa) and we barely fit on the way home...

Luckily Jeff had a lot of help putting it together.

She was more the morale booster than the actual help.
I guess that about covers it. Shea is almost one and I have absolutely nothing for her birthday except holiday decor that is already up (minus the tree).
I hope I can pull it together before everyone comes over and I dont even have a cake, because that is how its looking as of now...
December, please slow down!
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