Lindsay, Julie and I hosted attempted to throw a baby shower for Kristen this last Saturday. The ice storm took over though and we ended up having to cancel. Boo.
When we came up with the theme about a month ago I remember thinking, I sure hope it's not 80 degrees on December 7th. The theme was "Baby, it's Cold Outside." And boy was it.
A crazy winter ice storm hit the Dallas area on Thursday night. My original plan was to drive to my parents house Friday after Ella got done with school. Once we realized there was no way I would be able to drive on Friday, I took Ella out of school and left Thursday afternoon to beat the crazy weather.
When we came up with the theme about a month ago I remember thinking, I sure hope it's not 80 degrees on December 7th. The theme was "Baby, it's Cold Outside." And boy was it.
A crazy winter ice storm hit the Dallas area on Thursday night. My original plan was to drive to my parents house Friday after Ella got done with school. Once we realized there was no way I would be able to drive on Friday, I took Ella out of school and left Thursday afternoon to beat the crazy weather.
The shower was at Lindsay's house, which happens to be minutes from my parents house. When we woke up Friday morning it was solid white. Not the fluffy lets make a snowman kind of white though. It was ice. The girls were thrilled either way and tried to make some snow angels.

Once McKenna went down for a nap, my dad drove me in his truck to Lindsay's house so we could begin setting stuff up for the shower. We still had hope at this point that the weather would be a little better by Saturday afternoon for the shower. We started on the party favors first. There was going to be a hot chocolate bar and each guest would get a mug to drink from and take home with them. Lindsay found the coffee mugs at Big Lots for a great price. We wrote on them with Sharpie and then put them in the oven for a few hours. This made the sharpie stay on the mugs even when washed.
I have horrible handwriting so I was the snowflake girl. Lindsay wrote Celebrate Shea on one side and then I drew a few snowflakes on the other.

We then hung up the amazing chalk board backdrop that Lindsay did free handed! (It was going to stand on something that would have filled in the whole window.) She made it match the invites. Julie found the invitations on Etsy and they were perfect. I made the giant snowflakes out of poster board and they were the perfect finishing touch to the chalkboard.

Julie had made so many fantastic garland decorations. We hung the tassels on the fireplace and I brought my CELEBRATE letters too. Lindsay's sister in law made another amazing chalkboard that would have been on the mantle as well.

I headed back over to my parents house for dinner but had plans to come back over once the kids were in bed so that Lindsay and I could finish setting everything up. That never happened though. The weather just kept getting worse and it would defiantly not be better by the next day. So late Friday night, we sent out an email saying the shower was canceled. We were so sad!
Julie was going to drive on Saturday but couldn't' because of the roads. It was all just such a bummer. We tried to make the best out of it though and still hung out all day on Saturday. It wasn't too hard for me to get to Lindsay's since I was so close so the girls and I headed over for a full day of fun! Jeff, Kristen and the kids finally made it too! We were all so excited to be together! It was such a fun day and we enjoyed a cake made for 30+ people all to ourselves. It doesn't get much better than that.

The kids put on a show for us that was hysterical!

Best baby shower ever!
That night my dad drove us to a movie theater that was close by and we saw Frozen. It was so so cute! I wish I had pictures of all the kids together. Especially McKenna and Kristen. McKenna sat in Kristen's lap and was feeding baby Shea popcorn through Kristen's belly button. Hilarious!
The temps dropped to the teens again on Saturday night so Sunday was still too icy to drive back home in. So we stayed another night and Ella got to have another snow day on Monday. I tried to pull out my teaching skills and do a little home schooling.

Sunday night was one of those little moments I will never forget. We put a blow up mattress on the floor and put on White Christmas. My mother in law introduced this to Ella last Christmas and she loves it! Ella hadn't seen it in a year and she remembered what was coming next in every scene. The sister song is her favorite part and when it came on, McKenna and her danced just like them. It was pretty sweet. Looks like this might have to become a Christmas tradition.

McKenna had been saying all weekend how she wanted her hair cut like this baby doll that is at my parent's house. I thought it was a great idea and Anna was excited to cut it. So Monday morning, Anna and Tyler came over to cut McKenna's hair.

I love it SO much! This girl was meant to have a bob.

Late Monday afternoon is when we finally got on the road. It was still icy in spots but safe enough to get back home.
Whew! What a weekend.

Once McKenna went down for a nap, my dad drove me in his truck to Lindsay's house so we could begin setting stuff up for the shower. We still had hope at this point that the weather would be a little better by Saturday afternoon for the shower. We started on the party favors first. There was going to be a hot chocolate bar and each guest would get a mug to drink from and take home with them. Lindsay found the coffee mugs at Big Lots for a great price. We wrote on them with Sharpie and then put them in the oven for a few hours. This made the sharpie stay on the mugs even when washed.
I have horrible handwriting so I was the snowflake girl. Lindsay wrote Celebrate Shea on one side and then I drew a few snowflakes on the other.

We then hung up the amazing chalk board backdrop that Lindsay did free handed! (It was going to stand on something that would have filled in the whole window.) She made it match the invites. Julie found the invitations on Etsy and they were perfect. I made the giant snowflakes out of poster board and they were the perfect finishing touch to the chalkboard.

Julie had made so many fantastic garland decorations. We hung the tassels on the fireplace and I brought my CELEBRATE letters too. Lindsay's sister in law made another amazing chalkboard that would have been on the mantle as well.

I headed back over to my parents house for dinner but had plans to come back over once the kids were in bed so that Lindsay and I could finish setting everything up. That never happened though. The weather just kept getting worse and it would defiantly not be better by the next day. So late Friday night, we sent out an email saying the shower was canceled. We were so sad!
Julie was going to drive on Saturday but couldn't' because of the roads. It was all just such a bummer. We tried to make the best out of it though and still hung out all day on Saturday. It wasn't too hard for me to get to Lindsay's since I was so close so the girls and I headed over for a full day of fun! Jeff, Kristen and the kids finally made it too! We were all so excited to be together! It was such a fun day and we enjoyed a cake made for 30+ people all to ourselves. It doesn't get much better than that.

The kids put on a show for us that was hysterical!

Best baby shower ever!
That night my dad drove us to a movie theater that was close by and we saw Frozen. It was so so cute! I wish I had pictures of all the kids together. Especially McKenna and Kristen. McKenna sat in Kristen's lap and was feeding baby Shea popcorn through Kristen's belly button. Hilarious!
The temps dropped to the teens again on Saturday night so Sunday was still too icy to drive back home in. So we stayed another night and Ella got to have another snow day on Monday. I tried to pull out my teaching skills and do a little home schooling.

Sunday night was one of those little moments I will never forget. We put a blow up mattress on the floor and put on White Christmas. My mother in law introduced this to Ella last Christmas and she loves it! Ella hadn't seen it in a year and she remembered what was coming next in every scene. The sister song is her favorite part and when it came on, McKenna and her danced just like them. It was pretty sweet. Looks like this might have to become a Christmas tradition.

McKenna had been saying all weekend how she wanted her hair cut like this baby doll that is at my parent's house. I thought it was a great idea and Anna was excited to cut it. So Monday morning, Anna and Tyler came over to cut McKenna's hair.

I love it SO much! This girl was meant to have a bob.

Late Monday afternoon is when we finally got on the road. It was still icy in spots but safe enough to get back home.
Whew! What a weekend.
what a sweet baby shower!! I am blown away with the chalkboard skills! simply amazing!!!!!!!
we had the same weather here & I am so so SO ready for spring, but it looks like we might have a white Christmas :)
Love Kenna's sweet haircut!
what a sweet baby shower!! I am blown away with the chalkboard skills! simply amazing!!!!!!!
we had the same weather here & I am so so SO ready for spring, but it looks like we might have a white Christmas :)
Love Kenna's sweet haircut!
I'm still so sad about it! I hate that ya'll did all that work...I'll still take the mug though :)
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