

This last Friday was early dismissal for Ella's school so I thought it would be fun to have all the girls in her class over for pizza and pumpkin decorating! BYOP. (bring your own pumpkin) It was a house full but so much fun!
I had ordered a bunch of different pumpkin sticker faces from oriental trading company.
The girls loved it! They all covered their pumpkins with multiple faces and then topped it off with some jewels of course. I bought some of the glue dots from Hobby Lobby and they held the jewels on perfectly.
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After pumpkins we made some tissue paper mason jars too. Or whatever you call them. We did them last year with pumpkin faces and when you put a candle inside they glow. Kinda like a lantern. Maybe thats what they are called, mason jar lanterns. Most of the girls went with a pink polka dot tissue.
This was my first "drop-off" playdate so I was a little nervous but it ended up going great! Maybe I'll be ready to host a sleepover next...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are the most fun mom!! I want to steal every thing you do!!

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