
happy leap year!

In honor of leap year, how about a game of leap frog?!
Picnik collage
Don't you wish this "extra" day of the year was like a freebie. A day that was devoted to doing whatever you enjoyed doing in your extra free time all day long! That would be so awesome! 
So, in honor of this "extra" day (that should totally be a holiday) we would like to have a little giveaway. Nothing extra special, we just wanted to wish everyone Happy Leap Year! 
Leave us a comment about something you like to do in your extra free time. The winner will receive a $30.00 Target gift card, one of our favorite places to walk around in our free time.
Giveway will be closed at midnight and winner announced in the morning.


  1. How fun!!! I love painting my toenails in my free time, which is never so they almost always look horrible. Oh and doing Crewe's monthly handprint, but that takes a lot of free time because it messy.

  2. going to explore my city. i'm only in australia for 4 more months, so i've got to soak it up!

  3. going to explore my city. i'm only in australia for 4 more months, so i've got to soak it up!

  4. If I had free time, I'd love to sit in my chaise lounge chair with a good book and a cup of hot tea.

  5. In my extra spare time? I like to catch up on my Google Reader, which seems to be out of control these days!

  6. Currently, I spend my free time preparing for the little boy we are (hopefully) adopting in May! That might sound like work to most people, but after 5 years of trying to have a family, I'm cherishing every moment of this journey. BTW - I had a dream the other night in which I met both of you!

  7. I love to go get my nails done, shop, and then come home to my little girl & husband!

  8. I recently purchased an embroidery machine, so now I just need to find free time to master it!

    Also, started following your blog a few months ago, and I love your creativity!

  9. Oooo so fun!!!
    In my spare time I love to...
    read Amish fiction and drink Dr. pepper :) ha!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love to sew, read, or crochet in my free time!

  12. McKenna cracks me up in these pics :) I would love extra time to sleep and catch up on housework... NOT! How about crafting and playing outside with my little ones. :)

  13. Check out pintrest and get inspired!

  14. ooo...In my free time I love catching up on my favorite blogs

  15. i love to watch dvr'd shows ive recorded throughout the week...it makes me appreciate my life because im not half as crazy as the people on tv!! and i also LOVE going to target..

  16. Just strolling through a store on my own minus two children is fun for me now!

  17. in my free time (aka nap time) i catch up on blogs, write a post occasionally, or take a nap myself. absolutely no housework! :)

  18. I would LOVE a day of antiquing with my best friends, with a large Sonic coke with lime at old barns, off the beaten road places, with the sun shining~always a must!! Happy leap day! I keep thinking....what will I do with an extra day this year?! :)

  19. I love to craft, sew, or shop. ;) All of these without my 3 precious children.

  20. Oooooh...I would love some extra time to shop alone! The boring version of that would be to get this house cleaned up.

  21. Love to paint or mosaic in my free time!!! (also get massages, and sleep in, but those are few and far!!)

  22. sew (usually).... but, more recently...watch mad men re-runs on AMC

  23. In my free time lately, I like to watch a show on Hulu and sip a cup of tea. Something about drinking tea from my grandmother's china cup (that she painted) helps me to relax.

  24. I love organizing our digital photo collection with my hubby in our free time :-)

  25. I enjoy several things in my free time....crafting, catching up on a TV show, NAPS, photography, cooking, etc!!! There is so much I could do if I had free time!!! :)

  26. Oohh...free time. What's that?! I love to sit, read a magazine and do absolutely nothing :) lazy?! Why yes.

  27. Oohh...free time. What's that?! I love to sit, read a magazine and do absolutely nothing :) lazy?! Why yes.

  28. Hmmm... I love to get spa pedicures while reading blogs and pinning stuff on pinterest on my iPad! Also shopping by myself has become something I never thought I'd cherish before 3 little ones :)

  29. What free time! With two kids under 3 I pretty spend any free time sleeping! ; )

  30. I love to go to Barnes & Noble and read magazines while drinking coffee!!

  31. I love to got o Barnes & Noble and read magazines while sipping a latte!!

  32. I love to spend my free time with my husband - in fact any time with him is great! I also frequent your blog during my free time. I even made him read through some of my favorite posts you have made one night.

  33. I love to go to the park with my husband and twins and enjoy playing outside as a family!

  34. SHOP....without a purse full of snacks & sippy cups and not having to hurry through stores until nap time or a melt down hits! :)

  35. Catch up on my favorite blogs.....and think of kooky names for the little chicks we'll be raising this spring......maybe I need to get out more!!!!

  36. i just love that digs is getting in on the leap frog fun :)

    hmm... in my free time i like to... read a great book, get sucked into a fun craft, or bake something new!

  37. I love to read! Or play with babies! Or lie in my bed! :)

  38. How CUTE are you playing leap from with your dog?! I love it.

    Free time? What is this mythical thing you speak of??? :) I guess I would have to say that I love to steal a few minutes on the computer when I have a minute of free time.

    Y'all are so generous! What a fun giveaway! Whoo hoo.

  39. I love to sew or polish my nails when I get some free time, which happens pretty rarely these days! Haha!

  40. Read a book or magazine. The whole thing. Then take a nap.

  41. Nothing beats a bath and a fudgesicle or a trip to the dollar spot at Target! We will definitely be playing some leap frog tomorrow. I was going to suggest a gift card for $29 next year, in honor of leap year, but I guess it will have to wait several more years!

  42. Drive around with windows down and radio up. Or take a bath...it all just depends on how long it's been since I've bathed : )

  43. I love to get out in nature in my free time: walks by the lake, sitting in my garden, or watching my girls explore are probably my favorites. I am so thankful that my girls ( 2 & 4) enjoy the outdoors too. I think they would live at the beach if they could. :)

  44. i love to bake something! mostly chocolate chip cookies, but any sweet will do. :)

  45. With an almost 3 year old and a 6 month old who won't take a bottle and likes to sleep attached to her mama, I don't have much free time. (But, I imagine most moms don't) I've made it my Leap Year Resolution to spend more time with my husband though...

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  46. When I find myself with a little free time, I like to spend the afternoon at the bookstore. Looking through magazines, books and stationary is so much fun to me!

  47. free time....I love to crochet, bake, eat, look at pinterest, and catch up on reading blogs!! :) XOXO

  48. Hmmmm. With a very attached 4 month old "free time" is scarce....

    Shower! Definetly going to shower! Ha :)

    What a generous give away!!

    And adorable pictures!


Thanks so much for visiting us at Celebrate Always!! If you want to ask a question feel free to email us (lullabylubbock@gmail.com) and we will get back to you. We appreciate your comments so much!!
Make Life A Party, y'all.