
Newest summer accessory

well, i guess it had to happen sometime. i just didnt know that it would happen during our first trip to the fabulous squirt park, but, you never can guess these things...
aves has her first broken bone.
yup, she broke her wrist.
she fell off of this rock climbing thing at the park and landed on her wrists while trying to catch herself. it was so sad. the first thing she said, in the middle of tears, was "i thought you would catch me, mommy". it broke my heart. i was right there, i just wasnt fast enough to brake her fall.
anyway, we went to the ER, where everyone is soooo nice and the babies were great. they gave them new toys to play with and let us go everywhere together. of course we came right from the squirt park so we were in swimsuits and looked like major hillbillies. they were nice anyway, which really says a lot about them.
they even gave the kids their own carriage ride out.
she has a splint for now but i have to get an appointment with an orthopedic dr for a cast. we will let you know what she gets. i hope its tie dye or red white and blue for the 4th! didnt you hear that casts are all the rage this summer??



so, i made more clips.
like a ton more. and then my neighbor walked down (her daughters come and play with aves almost everyday) to pick up her girls and saw the clips. she told me to try and sell them at a consignment store around the corner and kept asking how much they were...so, even though they are pretty much clips, hot glue and felt, im gonna give it a try.
i got kinda excited about it, even though i have no idea if they will sell, and celeste came in town and i told her. my friend jennifer came in town, too, and we just had the best weekend. we laughed and stayed up late and made tons more clips, headbands, clips for shoes, pins and necklaces. it was really so much fun.
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my dream in life is to someday have a bakery called sassarina's (after my food loving youngest daughter). we decided to use sassarina's for the clips (when the bakery comes along, it will have to be a multi-use name) and we added a little bird to the s (just for fun).
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and we made some shoe accessories,
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we bribed the girls with candy to take their pics in the bows...i think they are still on the sugar high...
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and of course, we have to have the grown up version,
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and we are working on the boy version with bow ties and stuff.
and we have necklaces but no pics so ill post those soon.
we are taking them to stores today so wish us luck!!! and if you have any advice on selling things in stores, please let me know!!


pudding paint

so, today we used these ingredients, mixed them up,
and gave jello a new identity-
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edible finger paint.
i think bill cosby would be proud.
they loved it. i dont know how much they actually painted...
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and yes, that is a deer in our kitchen. jeff hung it there and i have not taken it down. dont worry, it wont stay in the kitchen. he hung a fish (not the fish) next to it, and we look like mountain people who are visiting the big city. who keep dead animals in their kitchen (stay classy barstad fam).
and behind ben and aves you can see all the crap, i mean, craft stuff that doesnt have anywhere to go. thats why i havent put up pics of the house yet...i havent found a place for all my junk. hopefully next week....


hair clips

so, my friend lindsey very sweetly asked me to make her some clips (even though she is about to find out how ghetto they really are...), but i was so flattered! she is the funniest person i know and i have not seen her since we were jet setters and went to australia together when i was in college. she now has a gorgeous little girl that has the cutest dark hair and cheeks. love them! and its the first craft i have made in the new house. i havent gotten out the sewing machine yet, but it was so nice to hold the ol' hot glue gun in my hand. i mean, what is it about having a hot glue gun in hand....anyway, here are some pics of the clips. thanks linds for being so sweet and wanting some of my dorky late night creations. you have to send me pics of gorgeous sofia in them!


bedtime crafts

A few weeks ago I made some crafts that can be used at bedtime. The first one I did was a tutorial I saw on MADE. I made some crib sheets for Ella. You can find cheesy Dora sheets for big girl beds but not crib sheets so I made Ella her own Dora sheets. It made bed time extra fun for her. I also made a couple other ones with some fabrics I had. I would like my next try to be with a more loud fabric so it will really pop.
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My next project was something I made for Aves, Ben and Sassy before they left.
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I made them each a pillow case with pics of them and Ella on it. This way they will go to sleep and wake up thinking of Ella:)
I printed pics on printable fabric I got from wal-mart then sewed on a border of fabric behind it. I hope it helps them all have sweet dreams.


happy fathers day

I would like to say Happy Father's Day to some of the most important men in my life. My dad, Bob and father in law Billy.
Anybody who knows my dad will agree with me when I say that he is an incredibly amazing man. He is a patient, caring dad and continues to constantly love and support us and be the best pop-pa to Ella. To this day my dad is still my biggest role model.
One day Ella will be saying the same things about Bob that I say about my dad. He is the absolute best dad to Ella and it is so sweet to see how much she adores him. This pictures shows how Ella feels about Bob. She wants to be just like him, she mimics every move he makes. He is such a wonderful role model for her and I am so thankful for the wonderful Dad Bob is becoming.
Billy is such a wonderful father in law. I remember when I first met Bob's parents I was so impressed. I had a movie like vision of meeting the in laws in my head and it was nothing dramatic at all. Bob's dad is the guy that always makes you feel special and will do absolutely anything to help.
Happy Father's Day to the best 3 dads I know!

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day to my favorite dads!
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My dad has always been the dad who, right when he walked in the door from a 12 hour (or more) workday and ran to see us, wrapped his arms around us, and let us hang on his leg until we went to bed. He is the dad that has coached every sport we have ever played and never missed a game, even if it meant rearranging business trips. He is always on our side; thinks we can do anything we set our mind to, and is definitely the most successful man, at home and in everything he sets his mind to, that i know. i know that i would not know the Lord and His love for me without the unconditional love of my dad. and now he is the same way with my kids-no kid is cuter, more talented or has more potential than my kids according to him (even though, we, as their parents, may know that they do have maybe a huge head, receding hair line at age 2 and often throw their bodies on the ground and pitch huge fits in the middle of grocery stores). its been the biggest blessing seeing my kids eyes light up knowing we are going to jake and minnie's!
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i know that jeff feels the same way about his dad. bob has always been behind jeff, no matter what he was doing, and now he is the same way with my kids. he is one of the hardest working, most unselfish people that i have ever met. he is always putting other people's needs before his and showing his family what it means to love his wife, his kids and the Lord. I could not ask for better in laws and better grandparents for my kids. they are always ecstatic to go to nana and papa's and there is always a new project, craft and fun activity for them to do.
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and, having learned from the best, jeff is a sensitive, kind, encouraging and loving dad, just like his. he is always thinking of our kids and wanting the to have the best possible situation, experience and life that they can. thank you jeff, for always being the dad that lays in bed and thinks about the temperature in their room and if they are too hot or too cold; wonders how their day was at school and plays with them the minute you get home. i know that you are shaping who they are by showing them the love you do.
love you all and hope everyone has a great fathers day!


house warming

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how cute are these cookies that our neighbors brought over?! (the blurred out part is our address number). we were so excited. and they taste good. kinda amazing. and ill show you more pics of the inside of our actual (not cookie) house once i get my camera battery charger (these are just phone pics). we finally have everything moved in and the garage moved around so we can even fit more cars in! its so exciting to feel settled a little. (and how amazing does al's house look!!! gorgeous!) and the people that i have met here have just been so kind. so many people have invited us to playgroups, parks, pools, and dinners. its really been the most incredible blessing. God has given us, over and over, the ability to see Him at work here, and in our lives, and we are so thankful.
hope everyone is having a great weekend!


our house lately...

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. We promise to get back in the swing of things and get crafty again:)
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We have had a busy week at our house. Here is a little of whats been going on...
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This guy had a birthday and we celebrated with burgers, cake and lots of friends.
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Ella even met a new friend that night.

As Kristen is moving in her new house in Tyler we are starting the process that she just finished here in Lubbock. Our house is on the market! We had an open house last night and it was quite the party! Our realtor is so awesome and she had the idea of spicing up an open house with live music, hors d'oeuvres, and beer/wine. You know I'm always up for any reason to throw a party so I jumped on the idea right away!
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It was so fun and we had a wonderful turn out. I don't know if it was the free beer or our house but we had a full house with about 75 people that came through.
If you know anyone in the lubbock area thats looking to buy a house, send them my way. Heres a little tour of the house...
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Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


and the winner is...

Thank you SO much for all the comments guys! It just made our day to get so many.
We did a random number generator and the winner of the giveaway is Allie. Congrats to Allie, we hope you enjoy the party in a box. We will be emailing you to get your address.
Thanks so much for everyone who commented on the giveaway! We had such a good turnout, we just might have to do another one again soon:)

10 year reunion

We had our 10 year high school reunion this weekend and it was SO much fun! I can't believe it has really been 10 years!
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Sometimes it feels like just yesterday... I was doing a kick line on the drill team, Lindsay was singing in the choir and cheering, and Kristen was running cross country and playing soccer. Now look at us today, 10 years later. All grown up as moms with our martini glasses:) It's been a good 10 years.
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What a fun weekend. We had a blast catching up with old friends and we can't wait for the next reunion!


New Digs

just thought i would show you some of the progress of the house. there are boxes everywhere! they have been piled in our lawn because they overflow our house and garage! its just insane. we are giving stuff to whoever will take it, throwing away anything that we dont have a huge connection to, and just trying not to pull our hair out. moving is tough. and with three kids who have had like 589 fevers in 5 days, its been crazy.
so, anyway, back through the rose colored glasses, i have gotten some progress on aves' and the twins rooms.
here is the twins' before.
and after
and ben's (sorry its blurry)
we got their beds at ikea and we love them! they were so easy to put together. and the curtains, actually. it was my first time to go there and i have to say, i loved it. i know it can be a love it or hate it kinda deal, but i loved it. so many fantastic things for so cheap! and fabric you can cut yourself! amazing. i am going back without jeff who really held me back...
and i can only show you one side of this room because the other isnt finished and it has pack in plays shoved in it. we are trying to make the transfer from cribs to big kid beds smoothly and its been ok. but we are most definitely not there yet.
and here is one side of avery's room just cause we arent really done yet in there either.
needs something over her bed and maybe a few more pillows (not quite 'along came polly', but a few more...)
ok, so thats what we have so far. ill be back with more photos of the rest of the place after we get a little more headway. not quite ready to show you the crap that we have stuffed in every corner of our house. i want to be more like MADE who has all her empty space...maybe in another lifetime. ok, enough wishing. off to get ready for our 10 (yes, i said it, ten! we are so old) year reunion!! colleyville heritage, all hail the one we love...


More fun in store

Before we visited Tyler and jeff had to decide if he wanted it to be his number one choice we prayed for a sign. i know, i know, we dont need a sign and its pretty tricky which signs you should take and which signs are just for hilarity factor. we picked and chose which ones we wanted to take and one of those was the most beautiful double rainbow. we saw both ends of it. it was just gorgeous!
our very last night in lubbock, over pizza and beer, jeff called me outside to see, what i think may have been more of a confirmation than a sign, but, either way, it was beautiful.
and it was neat to see God's hand guiding us through Tyler and Lubbock and feel like He is with us no matter where we are. (And the rainbow theme was kinda apparent in the Noah's ark party, so i feel like its a family symbol...) Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!
ok, now on to some more business.
this whole, "what's gonna happen to Lullaby Lubbock after I move?" question. I feel like you guys have given us so much amazing support and encouragement, and even though I will be like 8 hours away from my blog's name, we are gonna keep this ball rollin'. yup, folks, you heard it first here, we are just gonna keep everything the same and update from lubbock and tyler. we decided to keep it lullabylubbock because lubbock is where it all began and will always be the blog's home (cheesy, but true).
so, thank you so much, again for all of your encouragement and for continually inspiring us, making us laugh and finding the fun in the boring things we do and make. you guys mean so much to us and we are excited to keep this up. so, here's to many, many more posts.